Chapter 18

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Year 5
(From book 3-Prisoner of Azkaban)

⚠️ Curse, MATURE, and heat warning⚠️ 
Part of this is based off an TheOdd1sOut video

I don’t know if Lee and George thought Fred and I were idiots or not, but they were obvious as hell. Well Lee was surprisingly a lot better at hiding it than George, because that partictular ginger could not stop looking or treating Lee like he was the best thing since sliced bread for the life of him.

Don’t get me wrong Lee still couldn’t help but give George fleeting glances and dreamy gazes. But George was always hovering around him, dragging him somewhere, or lazily draping himself over Lee. It was absolutely adorable- but extremely obvious.

It was the last day before we had to head back to the castle and we were just hanging out as a family, playing games because we had finished packing yesterday. We all had on our Weasley sweaters and Lee’s light yellow one greatly contrasting to George's deep blue one.

We were playing a game called Monopoly, which George and Fred were extremely good at for some reason. George was currently laying his head in Lee’s lap and Lee had eventually given in to running his hands through George’s reddish brown locks.

“Fred give George $200 you landed on his property.” I say calmly.

“No! He’s in jail- I’m not giving money to a criminal!” Fred announced, landing on George property.

“That’s not how yoU PLAY!” Lee yells back with the same energy, having introduced us to the game in the first place.

“Cassie, why are they yelling- it’s just a game?” George asked, confused, clearly just happy-go-lucky as usual.

“Shut the fuck up, George, you don’t get to talk to me after stealing my last railroad!” 

“I wish I was never born!” Fred yells chaotically.

“Me too! You think I wanted this?!” I yell back, while Lee and George scream at each other in frustration.

Percy was just kinda standing in the kitchen while sipping on his tea and watching us yelling at each other. We weren’t even using words anymore, we were just screaming really loudly. 

“I am surrounded by children.” He mutters and he headed deeper into the kitchen, leaving us alone.

“AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!” Lee yells at George, leaning down towards his face.

“AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!” Fred and George both yell. George yelled back at Lee bringing his head up so that they were almost nose to nose, whereas Fred yelled at me causing me to yell back.

Molly rushed in, no doubt concerned for us. George sat up quickly, hitting his head with Lee in the process. By the time she was aware of the sight before her, we were all sitting up around the board game.

She seemed to realize that Fred and George were her children and rolled her eyes. “I should be concerned and surprised, but I’m not.”

We all shared a look and started laughing like mad. Fred had fallen sideways from laughing so hard, which made all of us just burst out laughing again.

Molly started shaking her head faintly in amusement. “Could all of please pick this up and then go set up the table in the garden?”

We all nodded in synchronization and she went into the kitchen to most likely start on dinner.


It was the next day, quite early in the morning. George was kinda pouting for some unknown reason as we all dragged our luggage towards the fireplace. 

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