Chapter 22

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Year 5
(From book 3-Prisoner of Azkaban)

⚠️Probably curse warning⚠️ 

“Are you sure about this?” Lee asked again, worried that I would regret this.

“YES!” I say loudly and with excitement. “I’m ready, just do it.”

“Okay Nike.” Lee muttered and he took my damp hair, put scissors to it. “Are you sure?”

“Okay, Lee, you know what- I am going to take those scissors away from you and do it myself.” I threatened, knowing that he wouldn’t let me mess up my hair.

“Okay, okay…”

I felt and heard the soft crunch of my hair being cut to my shoulders. Well- there’s no going back now. Lee continued to snip away and dragged me into his whirlwind of drama.

“Did you know that Terrence Higgs has been seeing someone?”Lee asked curiously. “I just noticed, like a day ago, I haven’t told anyone but you.”

“Oh, thank Godric- please don’t tell anyone else Lee.” I sigh heavily. “I noticed a few days ago and he doesn’t want to tell anyone.”

“Fascinating.” He murmured quietly, and continued to cut my hair. “Would you stop moving?!”

I stopped moving my shoulders from how itchy it was getting. Good thing I wore Fred’s shirt for revenge, for when he died my hair white. “Sorry.”

“So… do you know who he is with?” Lee asked and I rolled my eyes.

“I have an idea.”

“Well?” He encouraged, still trimming the last bits of my hair.

“No.” I say deadpanned. “He doesn’t want anyone to know and I quote ‘especially Lee, he has quite the reputation.’”

He groaned, annoyed. “Fine, I’m finished cutting- where’s the color again?”

I handed it to him and he got straight to work.


“Ta-da!” Lee exclaimed as he turned me around to face the mirror.

I looked in the mirror and I squealed, then turned to hug Lee. “I love it! You’re amazing! I look amazing! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

“Oh Godric- let me go before I suffocate.” He scolded lightly, then laughed- clearly amused by my behavior.

I looked back in the mirror and smiled even wider. My long brown locks had been cut and dyed into a blue tone. Lee had to bleach my hair before dying it, so that way the color would actually show up. I finished doing what I needed to do and then walked out of the bathroom into my dorm. Fred and George were surprisingly not there, so I assume they were pranking. I looked around and Lee was laying on his stomach on his bed and doing some homework.

“Damn, I did a fantastic job.” Lee praised himself when he looked up. “It looks even better dry.”

I smiled, walking over towards him and ruffled his dreads. “Thanks again, Lee.”

He swatted my hand away from his hair and rolled his eyes, while sitting up. “It’s no problem, anyone else would have butchered it- and I just can’t be seen with someone with a terrible haircut.”

I snorted and shook my head, then asked. “Do you know where Fred and George are?”

His face scrunched up in concentration. “Uh, I think they said something about toothpaste and... toilet seats? To be honest, I wasn’t really paying attention.”                                                                                                                      
Toilet seats? Toothpaste? Wait… “Since when do you not pay attention? Would it happen to do something with a certain redhead?”

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