Chapter 6

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Year 5
(From book 3-Prisoner of Azkaban)

I woke up and yawned looking at my pocket watch on my bedside table. It was roughly four in the morning. I normally woke up early, but this is just ridiculous.

I sighed and tried to get out of bed, but before I could, I felt the weirdest fricking thing wrapped around my legs. I looked down and chuckled at the sight of my jeans -that I forgot to change- twisted up.

I took a shower, then I got dressed in my uniform- except for my tie of course. I took my sweet time getting ready, and still only an hour had passed.

I groaned, grabbing my school bag and looked at my schedule. I had Ancient Runes, Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, and then double Astronomy later tonight.

Oh joy, Astronomy.

I heard a soft purring on the top of my bed. I glanced over, seeing my kneazles blue fur clash and stand out against the carmine comforter. She was chewing on a small garter snake, which made my nose scrunch up in disgust and some slight pride. She was finally hunting for her own food. I pet Drizzy gently, which caused her to purr even more. 

I sighed, accepting the fact that it would be a boring next couple of hours. I grabbed my books for today and went down to the common room. The fire crackled in a homey sort of way and it smelled like cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cedar, and leather. I did like the smell of cinnamon and ginger but, I preferred more sweet or harsh smells- like gunpowder, spearmint, brownies, camphor, and lemon. 

I decided to look ahead in my potions book and start on an essay describing the Draught of Peace. I knew that Snape would assign it eventually, and if not I could use the practice for my OWL's.


Within a few hours, many Gryffindor’s were up and bustling around. Many people I knew were greeting me and going on to finish a last minute assignment or going down to breakfast early. I had yet to see any of my boys come out of the dorm and continued to wait.

“Casima, do you have any idea where the twins are up to?” Percy asked, and sat down next to me on the couch. “I can just tell they’re up to something.”

I laughed at Percy’s usual pompous attitude, “I’m pretty sure Fred and George are still in the dorms, asleep.” I said, emphasizing the ‘asleep’ part. He gave me a look of disbelief.

“What?” I asked innocently, batting my eyelashes,  “Do you not trust me?”

“It's those long-haired heathens that I don’t trust.” 

“How could you say that about Bill and Ginny?” I exclaimed, in fake hurt. I sighed dramatically and put a hand to my chest, feigning shock. Percy stood up, shaking his head. 

He muttered under his breath, having me pick up the words like ‘over-dramatic’ and ‘see-for-myself’. He marched up the boys stairs and not even thirty seconds later I heard a high pitched shriek. I guess that Fred and George weren’t actually asleep. Percy stormed downstairs and his hair was a vibrant blue. Quite the change from the usual red if you ask me.

“What a lovely shade of blue, Percy.” I said, holding back a laugh of pure joy and amusement.

He just scowled and left the common room, causing me to burst into laughter. I was the only one, but then three more people joined in. I looked towards the stairwell and sure enough there was Fred, George, and Lee.

Lee and George were dressed as frazzled as usual, but Fred was a lot more put together than usual. His shirt was smooth and his tie wasn’t overly loose as usual. Odd.

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