Chapter 7

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Year 5
(From book 3-Prisoner of Azkaban)

Picture above is Terence Higgs.  Yes I am aware the actor has blue eyes and not brown.

“Hello there.” I acknowledged brightly, as I plopped down beside a certain blonde at the Slytherin table.

“Hello, love.” The dirty blonde replied back in his deep fruiting voice and he smiled, facing towards me. “You surprised me.”

“You didn’t actually think, I wouldn’t sit by you,” I teased lightly and placed my school bag on the table. He noticed and realized I would be staying smiled a little more, causing the corners of his eyes to crinkle.

“Well considering we made a mutual agreement last year not to acknowledge each other outside of our little practice sessions, let’s just say I’m pleasantly surprised.” He concluded smiling lightly, his brown eyes genuine and full of light. I always was a sucker for brown eyes.

I laughed and asked, “Did you decide to take Ancient Runes?”

“I’m taking every elective except Divination.” He said, while tousling his dirty blonde hair. “ I couldn’t stand that witch.”

“What a coincidence, me too.” I chuckled, while putting a lock of hair behind my ear. “Care to accompany me, I could use a buddy.”

“Me?” He asked, completely caught off guard and his eyebrows raised in such a wholesome way.

“No Higgs, I was talking about Flint,” I replied sarcastically and rolled my eyes. “Of course, you!”

“I would love nothing more.”

I smiled and cast a quick glance towards may boys. Lee looked mildly interested at the sight of Terrence and I, while George was doodling on Lee’s hand.

Fred had his back to me so I couldn’t read his facial expression, but his body language gave me hints. One of his hands was clenching the edge of the bench, while his other was gripping a fork tighter than necessary. One of his legs were bouncing and the tips of his ears were slightly red. I have never seen him sit so tense, normally he was the most relaxed one out of the whole group. He and I were definitely the most heated people, it was a surprise we hadn’t gotten into a argument earlier.

“Hey, we better get to class soon.” He said, giving me an award winning smile, “I wouldn’t want to be the one to make you late.”

“I’m sure Professor Babbling wouldn’t mind.” I say, as we both stand up and grab our school bags.

“Perhaps not,” he says, as we both start walking out the Great Hall, “but I’m not to keen to find out.”


Going to Ancient Runes with Higgs was enjoyable, to say the least.

Sure we talked loads of times before, but it was mainly Quidditch talk. He was like a small talk con artist, and I couldn’t help but smile at every moment of it.  He got me talking about almost anything, and I didn’t even realize it half the time. He was just so easy to be around.

The only problem was having all eyes on us in the halls. It bothered me, but I tried to ignore the talk of a Slytherin and Griffindor not trying to attack each other and were actually getting along.
My Ancient Runes class went by quickly, and I still got my work on ancient Egyptian texts done.

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