Chapter 26

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The summer before 6th year
(From book 4- Triwizard Tournament)

⚠️gay, heat?, curse warning ⚠️
You may love or hate me- maybe both

George was practically bouncing around with joy as he fluttered around trying to clean up. Key word being ‘trying’. Being organized was neither one of the twins' strong suits, that was more Lee’s job- he was the one who always kept our dorm tidy.

Fred and I were watching him struggle, and working on having the Canary Creams last ten seconds for all of them.

“This is going to sound really stupid, but lets try a banana- you know, since they are used in aging potions.” I suggested, knowing it could very well work.

“A… banana?” Fred asked, confused.
I rolled my eyes. “We’ll have to mix it in with the potion beforehand.”

“Whatever you say.” He murmured under his breath, starting up the concoction again.

We mixed it together, the smell of the fruit overpowering the disgusting smell of the other ingredients- thankfully. Once finished, Fred drizzled it over the cream pie and took a bite. Almost immediately he turned into a small canary and I caught Drizzy mid pounce trying to get to him. Ten seconds passed and he turned back to normal, just spitting out a few feathers- success.

Fred looked at the Canary Cream he bit into in awe and then at me. “Ugh, I love you- you know that.”

I rolled my eyes. “I love you too, Freddie.”

George shrieked. “I just vacuumed and you got feathers everywhere!”

“I don’t know why you’re so concerned, Lee has practically lived with us for the past five years- he isn’t going to freak over a little mess.”

Fred jumped in, leaning back against the wall and rolling his eyes. “And it’s not like he was here last Christmas or anything.”

George huffed, looking absolutely exasperated and going back to fluffing his pillows on his bed. A soft knock came from the door causing the frazzled ginger to jump in surprise. I got up and opened the door revealing Ginny.

“Hey, whats up?” I ask, grinning.

Ginny blew a red strand of hair out of her face revealing her splayed out freckles. “Someone’s walking up the path.”

I chuckled. Ginny had the best view in the entire house. Her room and the house faced the East so she could see the pond a few miles off, the path, and the sunrise. I was honestly glad she and I got to room together. 

I immediately heard the shuffling in the background stop and George pushed past us, sprinting down the stairs. Fred and I raced after him, being careful not to trip on the way down. When I got down the stairs, the front door was left right open and I saw George nearly tackle the figure in a hug. Lee immediately dropped his bag and trunk, hugging George back, clinging to him like a koala.

Fred and I jogged over, giving George and Lee some more time alone before going into a group hug. We all pulled back, huge smiles on each of our faces. That’s when I noticed Lee’s hair was different.

“Woah! I’ve never seen you with cornrows Lee!” I hum happily and George nods wordlessly.

“Seriously Lee, we’ve never seen you without dreads, looks good man.” Fred compliments.

Lee grins, still holding onto George tightly, but this time his feet firmly on the ground. “Thank you- I was super excited!” Then his face fell slightly when he looked at me.

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