Chapter 20

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Year 5
(From book 3-Prisoner of Azkaban)

⚠️Curse warning⚠️ 

The steam was rising up causing the wisps of my messy brown hair to stick to my skin, and my hands were starting to cramp from the constant stirring. I desperately needed to sneeze, but I couldn’t afford to mess up the potion so I kept repeating ‘watermelon’ under my breath.

“What was that Ms. Sallow?” Snape sneered, his cape billowing behind him as he turned.

“If your ears were anywhere as big as your nose, you would know that she was just saying the word ‘watermelon’.” Fred said coldly, standing right next to me working on his own potion, not looking up from his position.

The entire atmosphere of the dungeon changed. Some people were fearful, some shocked, and the rest amused- but no one dared to make a sound.

“Detention Mr.Weasley.” Snape replied back in the same tone.

“But I didn’t do anything.” George innocently from the desk behind me and my shoulders started to shake from how hard I was trying not to laugh.

Some people, however, did not have the same amount of control as me and started snickering quietly. Saw Snape turn to the rest of the class.

“10 points from Hufflepuff and Gryffndor! If anybody else laughs, it will be 15 points- each.” He sneered once again, causing the class to fall silent.

He swept passed our desks and onto another table across the class of two Hufflepuffs. I sighed in relief, seeing as if Snape had been in a worse mood, everything could have gone very very South.

“Thank you, Freddie.” I murmured to him, and he flashed me a quick smile that I could see from the corner of my eye before he turned back to his potion.

I took a quick glance and giggled. Ew, what was that inhumane sound? It took one glance to know that either Fred or I had messed up our potion terribly. Mine was a light periwinkle color, with steam that was practically fog and overflowing over the cauldron- like it was supposed to. Fred’s on the other hand was… multicolored? It was mostly orange, with swirling purple and green parts.

“Umm… Freddie?” I asked quietly, trying to contain my laughter.


“I think your potion is going to explode…” I chuckled quietly as he worriedly looked at me. “I wouldn’t be too concerned, it seems you left out the most dangerous ingredient.”

“No, no, no. I could have swore I followed the recipe correctly.” He muttered, as he kept stirring periodically.

Just then five different explosions went off. One was incredibly loud and caused me to wince, while all of them sounded completely different. I glanced behind me and George's face was marked with black soot, along with three others across the room. I looked at Fred and surprisingly his potion had the most feeble explosion, with just a pop in his face. He coughed and gagged to the side. I stopped stirring when Snape said we could and turned to Fred fully to see what was wrong.

“Oh Godric! It got in my mouth- I’m gonna die!” He coughed and sputtered, trying to use his sleeve to wipe it off. “Cass- please tell me this isn’t poisonous!”

I honestly couldn’t answer that. We were making an antidote to poison, but one small mishap could make it into something worse, and since I didn’t watch the full process I had no idea.

“Uh…” I started, unable to know what to say. “I’m sure it’s not that bad.”

I winced and he stared at me in shock.

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