Chapter 10

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Year 5
(From book 3-Prisoner of Azkaban)

This chapter is about 3 times longer than my other chapters, as thanks for getting to one thousand reads- but now it's closer to three thousand. I'm also officially on the one hundredth page, and Oliver won.

⚠️ Minor curse warning ⚠️ 

“This isn’t possible.” I muttered under my breath and took a closer look at it. It looked fairly new and I doubt I gave it to myself. “Freddie, what time is it?”

“It’s almost seven thirty.” 

“Okay, I’m going to take a shower and do some… thinking.” I said, faltering slightly and he nodded in complete understanding.

I got up and gathered my uniform for today, then heading into one of the two bathrooms in our room. I couldn’t help but look in the mirror and gaze at the ugly purple mark. I shook my head, clearing my head of cloudy thoughts and got in the warm water. I mean it shouldn’t be possible, but I literally live in a world with dragons, flying cars, biting teacups, and mind reading. I shouldn’t really be surprised if it just happened because my subconscious did some weird shit.
I got out of the scalding hot water and wrapped myself in a fluffy red towel- talk about house love. I got dried off and started getting dressed in the school uniform. I was finished getting dressed- except the tie-  and started covering up the bruise with some transfiguration. 

Through the door, I could hear Fred say, “Yeah, I’ll meet you downstairs, I’m just gonna wash my face first.”

I could hear the main dorm door close and the bathroom door open. “Please tell me you’re decent.”

I looked over and Fred was already in the bathroom, but his eyes were closed and was leaning against the door frame. I rolled my eyes and said, “Yes Fred, I am fully clothed.”

“Joy.” He said, while opening his eyes and I couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or not. “I told them that you were already downstairs, it wasn’t my secret to tell.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose out of frustration and sighed, “Fred did you ever think us coming down together might arouse some slight suspicion. Especially when you said I was already downstairs.”

“It’s not like I told the entire school, just George and—”

“—Lee.” We both finished at the same time as Fred came over the realization that Lee was the biggest busybody and loved his gossip.

“Relax, if it’s that big of a deal you can do your usual smooth talking thing.” Fred said with a smile and started to start tying my tie. 

“I smooth talk?” I say in disbelief.
“You do it whenever you don’t want to answer a question or get us out of trouble after a prank.” He says nonchalantly. He grabs his wand to point it at my cheekbone, to reduce the slight swelling I assume. He was quite good at remedy’s, but he was just using transfiguration like I had. “I can try to make something to help later- if you don’t want to go to Pomfrey.”

“Thanks Freddie, but you don’t have to do that. I’ll go to Madame Pomfrey after classes.” I replied confidently, even though I wasn’t quite sure if she would be able to fix it right away.
“We better get going, if we hurry we can still get there before Lee and George.”

“My hair is still wet.” I pouted in a joking manner, being somewhat serious.

He huffed, but still had a smile on his face. He took out his wand again and pointed it to my hair. He was planning on using the drying charm and I moved out of the way.

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