Chaper 16

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Year 5
(From book 3-Prisoner of Azkaban)

The train was speeding across the tracks and I was sitting with Fred, while George and Lee were who knows where. It was nearly nightfall, which meant that we were almost to the platform. We were chatting casually while playing a muggle game- Uno, I think- and an idea finally struck me.

“Hey Freddie?” I asked, not realizing why I hadn’t asked earlier.

He looked up from the cards in his hands, his brow furrowed. “Yeah, what’s up Cass?” 

“Do you know what your dad wants for Christmas?” I ask, placing down a draw four card. “Yellow.”

He cusses and lets out a low chuckle at my antics. “The only thing my dad wants- is to know the functions of a rubber duck.”

“Dang it, I don’t even know the function of a rubber duck.” I say, placing down a skip card.

“Uno.” I say calmly, then placed down my last card. 

He threw all twelve of his cards in the air- one of them gently landing on Drizzy, who was asleep behind him- and muttered some more profanities. “I can’t believe you won, again.”

“I still can’t believe you haven’t won once.” I chuckle slightly and in a completely joking manner.

He threw the empty cardboard box at me jokingly and I couldn’t help but laugh when it fell short and hit my knee, instead of my head. He also couldn’t compose himself, because he started laughing so hard that he hit his head on the seat.

“Ow.” He said blandly and it sent me into a new wave of laughter. The sliding glass door opened revealing a very smiley George and a flustered Lee.

“Where were you two?” Fred asked suggestively, still rubbing the back of his neck gingerly and I refrained myself from laughing even harder. We were talking about the two of them earlier and it was clear that we thought the same thing.

Lee blushed- it was barely noticeable, but I could tell. George on the other hand rolled his eyes and just answered the question. “We left to get snacks, also we got distracted- we kept meeting up with people.”

“And before you say anything Cassie, we couldn’t find the Trolley lady.” Lee huffed and looked kinda disappointed.

I started putting the cards up and muttered under my breath. “M’gay.”
Fred- who was right next to me and helping put up cards- put a fist to his mouth to stop himself from laughing, but the amusement and smile on his face were apparent.

“What was that?” Lee asked, surprised and George raised his eyebrows.

“I said, ‘M’kay’.” I said looking up from the mess of cards, feigning innocence. “What did you think I said?”

“Oh, nothing…” Lee said, scratching the back of his neck and George looked away shyly.

They both sat down and the environment went into its normal relaxed state. The stars appeared as night fell, creating a cascade of curiosity and beauty. It got slightly colder in the compartment, but none of us noticed as laughter kept us warm with joy. The train slowed, signaling that it was time to get off of the express. I picked up Drizzy in my arms and we all grabbed individual bags, waiting to get off the train.


I had barely made it off the platform, before getting crushed into a hug. 

“Oh, it is so good to see you dear!” Molly exclaimed, and squeezed even tighter, making it so I could barely breath from the amount of affection.

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