Chapter 2

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Last day of summer
(From book 3-Prisoner of Azkaban)

Thanks you for reading
Here are the twins being absolutely hilarious 😆


When I get out to Diagon Alley I see someone's messy black hair at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour.

"Harry!" I shout excitedly, as I jog towards him. I stop right beside him as he turns towards me.

"Hey, Cassie," he smiles warmly, "when did you get here?"

"Just now actually, how did you even get here? I thought you said those muggles you lived with wouldn't ever drive you here," I ask out of curiosity.

"I, umm... ran away, and got on the Knight Bus."He said, nervously. I sat down, Drizzy snuggling deeper in my arms.


"I, uh- blew up my aunt," he mumbled.

"Why?" I ask, amused, and unable to contain my laughter.

"She was talking bad about my parents... I didn't mean to," He said, slightly ashamed, and pleading.

"It's alright, Harry- I get it, no need to be embarrassed," I say, standing up and messing up his hair, "Say, have you seen the Weasley's?"

"I've been here for two weeks and I haven't seen them. At least we'll see them tomorrow on the train." Harry sighs, in obvious disappointment.

"What are you talking about? They did tell you that they're coming back today, right?" I ask, slightly confused.

"No," He shakes his head and his eyes going wide, "but, I'll let you know if I see them, though I bet you're going to be shopping today," he promises, then sees Drizzy, "Is that a kneazle, it's really cute."

"Yeah, her name's Drizzy- actually do you could hold her while I go into Gringotts?" I ask, "I'm pretty sure the cart would scare her."

"Sure," he says grinning.

"Thanks- don't lose her, I'll be right back," I wave, running towards Gringotts.

I went to my vault and was filled with guilt as it opened and saw piles of gold, silver, and bronze. I would gladly share everything in my vault with the Weasleys, but they would never accept. When my money bag was quite full, I headed back to the surface.

"Thank you." I tell the goblin, but in return he just grunts and nods. I walk down the steps and head back to Florean's.
On my way back I walk past two tall people with flaming red hair.

"I thought Cass said she was going to be here." The slightly taller one mutters.

"Maybe she's in the Leaky Cauldron." The other one offers.

"We already checked there, and we didn't see her."

"Or maybe she's right behind you, and waiting for your dumb arses to turn around," I finally say, speaking up.

"CASSIE!" They both boom excitedly. Fred picks me up off the ground, crushing me in a hug.

"Can't breathe."I gasp. He sets me down and George hugs me with the same vigor, but without lifting me up.

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