Chapter 11

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Year 5
(From book 3-Prisoner of Azkaban)

I, along the other Gryffindors, raced to the top of the stairs and to our rooms. I’m not that fast of a runner, so I was in the back of the group when we all stopped in front of the portrait. Over the heads of the absolute giants that I call the male gender, I could see the golden frame, but not much else. I felt a hand fall to my shoulder making me jump slightly, but I quickly relaxed over the touch.

“Are you okay?” Fred asked, pulling me into a hug. “We all thought it was you who screamed, since you were the only one not at the feast.”

“Yeah, I’m just dandy.” I say jokingly, then add as Lee and George started fussing over me as well, “It wasn’t me though, I think it came from the common room.”

“Actually, it wa-”

But George got interrupted by none other than his elder brother, Percy.

 “Let me through, Head Boy coming through!” He shouted and everyone around me rolled their eyes, but the sea of people parted anyway. 

Everyone in the front gladly moved to the side, making it possible for everyone to see what was going on. The Fat Lady’s portrait had three deep slashes across it and she was nowhere to be seen. I let out a small gasp and took a step back, so that my body was leaning against the railing. I almost fell backwards, but Fred steadied me, making sure I didn’t topple over to my death. I didn’t pay much attention to the mutters that were going on around me, because I was still so focused on the painting. 

Dumbledore and some of the other professors showed up, talking among themselves. Peeves told the headmaster that it was none other than Sirius Black. We were all herded into the Great Hall, chaperoned by Professor Flitwick. The other houses came in moments later looking very confused, they were also led by a teacher. 

Dumbledore walked in and explained loudly as he flicked his wand- causing thousands of sleeping bags appearing on the Great Hall, “There is a situation going on right now, so tonight you will all spend the night here. Lights out in ten minutes.”

Everyone spread out and stuck next to their group of friends, practically laying down on top of each other. Lee, George, Fred, and I all got our sleeping bags and dragged them to the far wall.

“How do you think he got in?” Lee asked once we were laying down, all of us together making an ‘X’ shape.

“The same way he got out of Azkaban,” I said softly, and they all looked at me with anticipation, “No one bloody knows.”

George and Fred chuckled, but Lee just rolled his eyes and remarked sarcastically, “Oh, real witty Cassie, a great observation you made.”

“I’m just saying the facts, but there aren’t any. At least I’m not losing my head like most people are.” I say, nodding to the people around us; all of them coming up with insane ideas, the next one more ridiculous than the last. One person said apparition, another said he could turn into a pumpkin- I gave a knowing glance to Lee and he sighed defeatedly.

“You make a good point.” George agreed before Lee could say anything, “We can’t really come up with a good explanation if we don’t have any solid facts.”

“Thank you George.” I quipped happily, because I knew Lee wouldn’t fight anymore on the subject if George agreed. 

“I hope we can go to our dorms tomorrow.” Fred sighed, and laid his forehead down on the pillow.

George and Lee both nodded their heads in agreement sadly, causing me to become the slightest bit confused. I didn’t realize they were so attached to our dorms. At that moment Drizzy slinked her way over to me, trying not to catch attention. I chuckled lightly and she jumped onto my back, then laid down.

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