Chapter 13

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Year 5
(From book 3-Prisoner of Azkaban)

⚠️ Minor curse warning ⚠️ 

They were back in the sky and the game went on. A few more scores from our side went by and I saw something falling from the sky. I looked a little more closely and it was a person. I raced down the field to where they were dropping and their fall became slower. My worry increased, because it could have been anybody- Oliver, Harry, George, Fred.

 Thoughts raced in my mind as I skidded next to the person in the soft grass. His glasses askew and his jet black hair messier than usual.

“Help! Somebody help!” I yelled loudly cradling the boys head in my arms, but my screams were carried off into the wind; making them no louder than a muted whisper.

A few seconds went by and Cedric dropped on the ground a few feet away, the Snitch in hand, fluttering weakly. He caught my eye through the violent storm and his expression was blank. Dumbledore ran up and passed him, along with Professor McGonagall.

The transfiguration Professor helped me up, not even caring that I was covered in mud and grime. The Headmaster magiced up a stretcher and started to float Harry into the castle.

The Gryffindor team had already landed beside Cedric, then Fred and George came over to give me a hug. The harsh rain was beating all around us, but it was easily forgotten in the warm embrace. We all started up to the castle, following closely behind Professor Dumbledore. 


“The whole team is going to take showers, you should too.” Fred murmured gently, wiping off the mud on my face that was streaked from a few dried tears with his thumb.

“I want to be here when he wakes up.” I say stubbornly, my voice stronger than it had been just moments ago. Everyone just left to get cleaned up and Fred was the only one that stayed, I don’t even think Oliver came in at all.

“And you will.” He sighed, “Do you at least want me to get your wand?” 

I smiled, “That would be nice, thank you.”

He gave me one last hug and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, then left. I looked back over at the younger boy, who was laying still in the hospital bed. The room was slightly dim, the natural light from outside gone. I sat in the chair beside where he lay, resting my head against the back. Lee was right, I was a totally worried mother when it came to things like these. 

Fred came back with my wand, still tracking mud wherever he went. I smiled faintly when he gave me it, then he left once more to most likely get cleaned up.

I murmured ‘Scorigify’, magically cleaning my clothes and skin a little at a time. Madám Pomfrey bustled around checking on Harry; she almost told me off for doing magic, but once she realized I was just cleaning, she turned a blind eye.

I finally finished just as Fred and George came through the door, it wasn’t as satisfying as a shower, but it would have to do. George went up to the foot of the gurney, whereas Fred came beside me.

“How is he?” Fred asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me into a side hug.

“I’m not really sure.” I said, sighing, “I think he’s going to wake up soon though.”

“I think you’re right.” A small voice said from behind us, I turned and saw Hermione and Ron. I walked on up to the two of them and enveloped them in a bear hug. (Hehe, see what I did there.)

“Where were you two?” I asked curiously.

“I know Harry will probably be wondering about his broom when he wakes up, so McGonagall went to look with us.” Ron said, and I looked down just now noticing the wrapped package in his hands. It was much shorter than Harry’s broom, so that gave me an idea about what happened.

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