Chapter 21

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Year 5
(From book 3-Prisoner of Azkaban)

⚠️Minor curse warning⚠️ 

“Ugh, my head is killing me.” I heard a deep voice grumble and I looked up from my stack of papers spread out on my bed and took out both of my headphones that was connected to the music player Fred had gotten me.

I looked at my pocket watch and it was almost two in the morning, then I looked back the disgruntled redhead. “Well, goodmorning sleeping beauty- how was your four o’clock nap?”

He groaned and put the pillow over his head, but I could still hear his muffled response. “Hell.”

I chuckled and put one of the headphones back in, going back to my notes.

He lifted the pillow off his head and sat up clutching his head. “How long was I out for?”

I shrugged. “About ten hours, give or take. Do you remember anything?”

He groaned again, but this time he stood up and walked over to me, then sat down where papers weren’t laying. “Everything is so vague, like a blurry dream… I’m not sure if some things happened or if it was just my imagination.”

I yawned and continued writing an essay for my OWLs and Fred asked me another question. “Have you been awake the whole time?”

“Hm, oh yes. I would have finished this essay sooner, but I was distracted most the day.” I say drowsily, yet still wide awake.

“It was because you were watching me- wasn’t it?” He sighed, starting to stack my papers together.

“Don’t you dare blame yourself, I’ve known about this for weeks, but you know I am one to procrastinate.” I sighed, starting to dip my feather into ink again, but Fred stopped my hand.

“It’s late enough, you need to go to sleep- we still have school tomorrow; well today.” He replied and bottled up the ink, then taking the papers from my hand and adding them to the pile he had already made.

“Fred.” I whined, reaching for my quill that he just took and handed me a sleepy Drizzy instead. “I was almost finished.”

He sighed, putting them on my dresser. “Cass, you’re past finished. This is double what Professor Lupin asked for.”

“I know that, but I wasn’t in class today- yesterday- you know what I mean.” I set down Drizzy and stretched my arms. “I just wanted to make up for it.”

He sat down next to me. “Cass, you’ve never cared about missing class before, in fact you would skip all the time- that’s not the point. The point is you shouldn’t overwork yourself so much that your health is at stake, and you shouldn’t stress yourself out when you don’t have to.”

He continued. “I get you want perfection, actually I don’t get it- but I do understand it. Whatever you’re shooting for isn’t perfection though, it’s beyond- just like you- but you are going to get yourself hurt doing it… So just listen to me this once and think about yourself.”

“...You’re right.” I say, sighing softly. “I’m sorry.”

“Hey, you never have to apologize to me.” He retaliates, pulling me into a warm hug.

I melted into it and hugged back. I didn’t see him like a big brother- which is how I saw Lee and George. It was more like a best friend, but don’t tell Lee that. It wasn’t even a best friend; it was something more. We fought, but it was mostly in a healthy way. I loved him. Of course I did- I mean I loved George and Lee too, but it’s not the same type… at least I don’t think so. Honestly, I have no clue what to think. Yes, Fred was one of my best friends, but he also made me crazy just being around- and what he said yesterday didn’t help. I hated those damn butterflies he always made me feel. His smile, his laugh, those eyes, his confidence, his humor, his stupid dad jokes- just everything.

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