Chapter 24

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Before I start I would just like to say thank you too @Potterhead_Ellie for my first ever fanart(above)- it really means a lot. This chapter is for you, but I understand you may not have read this far.
Also this chapter was a little difficult for me to write, but I'm okay now😊.

The summer before 6th year
(No book placement)

⚠️Curse warning, implications of abuse/self abuse, blood, slight panic attack tw ⚠️ 
Go to the next part to skip most the TW

This part of the manor was quiet. Eerie almost. I was in my bathroom that was connected directly to my room and I looked in the mirror. The right side of my face was still red from the recent encounter that had happened just hours ago. I clenched my jaw, causing even more pain. I turned my attention to my arm. The deep purple bruises were finally lightening into a more greenish hue.

I groaned leaning over the sink. I had been here for a week- one week- and I already wanted out of the hell hole. Drizzy meowed, confused and pacing between the bathroom doorframe.
You would think escaping into the safety of my room would make things easier. It didn’t. I felt trapped in my own body- it was difficult to breathe.

My reflection in the mirror was starting to become fuzzy, and my breaths became short. I couldn’t do this… keep living like this.

I couldn’t keep putting myself into these situations. Maybe if I held my tongue a little better, things like this wouldn’t happen. Maybe if I wasn’t so selfish, maybe if I wasn’t so outspoken- maybe if I was a little kinder.

My knuckles turned white as I clutched the granite sink tighter. I was practically shaking with rage and disgust. I couldn’t breathe. Snap out of it. I can’t. SNAP OUT OF IT.

I punched the mirror.

Well fuck. Glass shards splintered my right knuckle, causing deep crimson blood to seep out. I mean I guess it helped me start breathing again. 

“Crap.” I muttered, and Drizzy meowed confused once again. “Hey, don’t repeat that.”

I sighed, turning on the tap and running my hand under it- using my wand to get out the pieces of glass. I was so sick of this. Nothing like this would ever happen at the Burrow or at Hogwarts. I repaired the mirror and made sure there weren't any specks of blood. I used a healing potion, which unfortunately only deals with open wounds or else I would have used it for everything else by now. Not that it would matter if it did, I still wouldn’t be allowed to heal myself.

I ran a hand through my periwinkle locks and groaned in frustration. I could leave now, it wouldn’t be a big deal anyways- but where could I go? I mean I was always welcome at the Burrow, but I knew that it was already a full house from Fred and George’s letters. It wasn’t surprising, because the Quidditch World Cup was taking place this summer- and the Weasley’s were huge quidditch fans. I already bought a ticket and was planning on going with them. I couldn’t wait to see them all- Fred, George, Ginny, Bill, Charlie, Ron- they were family. I hadn’t seen Charlie since he left Hogwarts three years ago- we had always gotten along well and still wrote letters to each other occasionally.

A soft knock came from my door. It obviously wasn’t my father, or else he would have barged in. It was either my mother or Cipsey.

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