Period Accidents (March 2015)

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Harry: 21 Camryn: 21Auggie: 8 months

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Harry: 21
Camryn: 21
Auggie: 8 months

He startles awake at the sound of Auggie sneezing, blinking his eyes groggily as he waits to see if the baby boy will stay awake or fall back asleep. Much to Harry's relief, he stays asleep.

It's only then that he realizes that the hand he has resting on Camryn's bare thigh is wet. He blinks confusedly as he gently pulls the hand off of her leg and tries to decipher what it is in the pitch darkness. He can't make out what it is so he reaches for his phone on his nightstand and cringes when the flashlight shows the red liquid covering his hand.

"Sh**,"he mumbles as he gently peaks under the covers with the flashlight to find them covered in blood along with Camryn's thighs and panties she's wearing.

"Baby,"Harry gently caresses Camryn's cheek with his clean hand.

"Hmm?"Camryn hums still half asleep, not wanting to open her eyes, "is it Auggie?"

"No baby,"Harry whispers continuing to rub his thumb up and down Camryn's cheek, "I think you got your period."

"What?"Camryn sighs, rubbing her eyes with both hands and looking up at him, "huh?"

"It's all over the bed,"Harry replies shining the light from his phone on the white sheets to show her how they're now dyed red.

"Oh sh**,"Camryn hisses, throwing back the sheets and looking down at her blood covered thighs. She looks back up at Harry and catches sight of his red hand, "oh baby, I'm so sorry, it's all over your hand."

"It's okay,"Harry assures her, "don't worry. You hurting?"

"A bit,"Camryn admits standing up gently from the bed, trying to remain as quiet as possible so she doesn't wake up Auggie who's sleeping in a bassinet by their bed, "I thought it was just something I ate giving me cramps. I'm so sorry, babe. I'll change the sheets."

"No, no, I'll get the sheets,"Harry whispers, walking into the bathroom to wash his hand off and turn on the tub, "you just get in the tub. It will help with your cramps and then you can get cleaned up too."

"Are you sure,"Camryn questions with a frown, she doesn't want to leave all the cleaning up to Harry.

"I promise." He walks out of the bathroom and walks over to Camryn giving her a gentle kiss on the lips.


Harry gathers the last of the bloody sheets in his hands and walks down the stairs to the washing room throwing them in the washer.

Just as he's opening the door to their bedroom he hears Auggie begin to whine quietly, waking up slightly.

"Oh shh shh, bubby,"Harry coos quietly as he reaches down in the bassinet to pick up the whimpering blonde baby. "You're okay, daddy's gotcha."

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