First Ultrasound Anxieties (September 2010)

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Harry: 16 Camryn: 16, 8 weeks pregnant

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Harry: 16
Camryn: 16, 8 weeks pregnant

thank you so much to SofttZ for this request!! you're the best babe! thank you for being one of my original supporters

thank you so much to everyone who responded to my message board about this chapter! the majority of the messages wanted pregnant Cam, so here it is, but I promise I'll write a baby Darcy chapter soon as well for all of you who wanted that 💕

He wishes the sound of gagging and liquid splattering into a toilet wasn't the way he woke up every morning. He supposes he should've thought about moments like this at that party two months ago. The party that created the little human in Camryn's stomach which is currently the reason for the gagging and liquid splattering.

He sighs heavily and collapses the back of his hands to his face, rubbing tiredly at his eyes as he listens to a particularly loud heave and wet cough. He turns his head against the pillow and looks towards the connected bathroom door, looking at the light that's peeking out from under the closed door.

He quietly sits up in the bed with the covers twisted around his hips, throwing them back after he rubs at his eyes once more, jumping out of the bed onto his wobbly and sleep-ridden eyes before stumbling towards the bathroom in just his boxers.

He finds Camryn kneeling in front of the toilet with her cheek laid against her arm that's pressed against the toilet seat. Her whole body is trembling as she inhales and exhales heavily, her breathing wet as she sputters with a bit of a cough.

"Hey buggy,"Harry whispers, kneeling down beside her and resting his hand gently on her bare back, her body only covered by a pair of panties because she went through a few bad heat flashes last night that had her flopping and flailing around in the bed until Harry finally pulled the comforter completely off of the bed so she didn't even have to think about how hot her body would feel under it, which also means that Harry didn't have the opportunity to get any sleep without his body feeling like he was living on an iceberg.

He gets a mere whimper in response to his greeting, her cheek still smushed against her bicep as she continues to sputter through breaths.

"I'm gonna go get you some water and gatorade, alright? Have you been in here long?"Harry asks concernedly, his voice soft and gentle as he reaches up to tuck a strand of Camryn's sweaty blonde hair behind her ear, the hair sticking to her face as she blearily opens her eyes.

"I dunno..."Camryn whispers blearily and a bit deliriously. The only thing she could keep down yesterday was a banana, so that's all the fuel her body is running on, and heaven knows she's already puked up every ounce of nutrients that single piece of fruit gave her.

"Yeah? Okay, that's okay,"Harry whispers, his eyes scanning over Camryn's sweaty and pale face nervously as he tucks a few more sweaty pieces of hair behind her ear. "When I get back I'll put your hair up, okay? I'll be quick."

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