Darcy's First Day of School (August 2016)

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Harry: 22Camryn: 22Darcy: 5Lennon: 3August: 2Bowie: 6 months old Louis: 24

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Harry: 22
Camryn: 22
Darcy: 5
Lennon: 3
August: 2
Bowie: 6 months old
Louis: 24

"Hello, hello, my big girl,"Harry greets flickering on the lights of Darcy's room. Darcy whines and flips over so her back is to Harry, cuddling herself in closer to the comforter.

"Oh? Are you not gonna get up today?"Harry quietly chuckles coming over to stand by Darcy's bed, "that's odd, I thought you would be so excited to be a big girl and go to school. I guess not, maybe mummy will have to take your place instead."

"No!"Darcy's head pops up from her pillow and looks at Harry, "I want to go to school!"

"Oh, you do,"Harry smirks sitting down on Darcy's bed and reaching his arms out to her as she climbs into his lap. She sits sideways with her cheek resting on his chest. His lips find the top of her head as he rocks side to side gently, "good cuz I don't think mummy wants to take your place." Darcy snuggles her cheek in further to Harry's chest.

"Should we get dressed? Mumma made you a special breakfast,"Harry whispers before kissing her forehead.

"No, I want more snuggles,"Darcy mumbles with a yawn.

"Well how could I ever say no to that,"Harry grins, combing Darcy's stray curls back from her forehead.

He holds her tighter to his chest and begins to wonder how his baby girl got so big. He thinks back to that September day in his room where Camryn told him she was pregnant. He thinks about all the tears that were shed that day and thinks of how silly they were to cry. Why were they sad? That little bean of a person in Camryn's stomach would turn out to be the best thing that could've happened to them and one of their 4 greatest blessings.

It feels like just yesterday she was being placed on Camryn's chest and he could instantly feel his life change. He thinks about how Camryn looked up at him in awe of what she had just done, what they had created. There are moments in life that happen where you just know you'll life will never be the same and that was one of them.

He thinks about little newborn Darcy being placed onto his 17 year old chest for the first time. He thinks about how the room stilled and he couldn't focus on anything but her. Because suddenly nothing else mattered. None of the things that would normally interest 17 year old boys interested him anymore because he had something greater than they had. He had a daughter, a little 5 pound baby that depended on him, and it was the most exhilarating and terrifying thing all at once.

He thinks about all of her firsts, her first steps, word, smile and he can't help but get emotional as he stares down at the little girl in his arms, who's not so little anymore. Don't be fooled, she's still considerably smaller than most 5 year olds, she has always has been petite, but compared to little 5 pound newborn Darcy that she once was, she suddenly feels gigantic in Harry's arms.

"I love you, baby girl,"Harry whispers gently kissing her lips, "thank you for being you. You're amazing you know that, right?"

"I know,"Darcy coyly smirks up at him, her eyes glistening.

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