Zayn Leaves the Band (March 2015)

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Harry: 21
Camryn: 20
Darcy: 3
Lennon: 1 1/2
Auggie: 7 months

Louis: 23
Zayn: 22
Liam: 21
Niall: 21

❤️thank you so much to Izzy078 for this request! Your endless support means the world❤️

tw: brief mention of Eating Disorders, Postpartum Depression, and Depression. Please don't read if any of those things could be harmful to you ❤️

March 1st 2015

"PEEING! PEEING!"Harry yells as he chases after Lennonn who ran out of the bedroom midway through Harry getting him dressed to go swimming. He was looking for where Camryn had set Lennon's swim diaper when Lennon decided to take off on his own, running through the halls and now peeing.

"CAM WE'VE GOT A PEE-ER!"Harry calls as he dodges a wall to try and catch up to Lennon who had a pretty good head start on him. He skillfully jumps over the trail of pee that Lennon is quickly leaving behind him as he giggles loudly and runs through the hall.

"LENNON LOUIS GET BACK HERE MATE!"Harry commands as he reaches his arms out to grab his little boy around the stomach, holding him in front of him to refrain from getting any pee on him as Lennon continues to giggle loudly, making him pee even more.

"We've got a what?"Camryn asks, completely confused as she walks into the living room with Auggie attached to her boob. She just finished making Darcy a waffle, who is now sitting at the table eating it while she colors mindlessly.

"A pee-er,"Harry sighs, motioning his head towards Lennon who's smiling cheekily with his thumb in his mouth, his eyes glistening at Camryn as her eyes widen at the sight of naked Lennon and the trial of pee behind him.

"Bub, really?"Camryn laughs, shaking her head and walking over to Lennon, putting her hand on his bare belly to tickle him a bit which makes him pee again, landing right on her black shorts.

"OH!"Camryn squeals, jumping back from Lennon as Harry laughs loudly, his jaw dropped in shock.

"Oh you so deserved that,"Harry chuckles, smirking at Camryn as she inspects her shorts, peering her eyes over Auggie who's cradled to her boob. "That was payback for not coming to help me sooner."

"I'm so sorry that I was feeding our children,"Camryn teases back, rolling her eyes at Harry as she pats a palm against his chest. "And as much as I'd love to clean up that trail of pee, I've got one kid attached to my boob, and Lennon's looking at me like he's about to attack my other one, so I think this is a daddy job."

Harry sighs and rolls his eyes jokingly, continuing to hold Lennon out in front of his body. "Where'd you put the swim diapers? That's what got us in this mess in the first place."

"Baby, I put it on your nightstand,"Camryn laughs, shaking her head and pinching Harry's cheek. "Shows how much you listen to me."

"I'm too busy looking at your butt to listen to you,"Harry smirks as he watches Camryn walk away to check on Darcy, her bum definitely a lot rounder after 3 children, not that he's complaining at all. The shorts she's wearing also leave practically nothing up to the imagination.

"How's the waffle treating ya, girlfriend?"Camryn asks, walking up behind Darcy who's shoveling waffle into her mouth and rubbing her little girl's hair back with her palm to keep the syrup out of it with her hand that's not holding Auggie.

"Okay,"Darcy sniffles, her voice still congested from the cold all of the Styles were battling last week.

Because of Darcy's severe RSV bout when she was two months old, Darcy is way more susceptible to catching colds that go around, or even in more serious cases pneumonia. It also means that her colds linger a bit longer than the rest of the Styles do. For example, all of the One Direction boys and the Styles caught the same cold, but everyone was over it 4 days ago. Darcy, however, is still clinging onto her congestion, but seems to be doing a bit better.

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