Santa's Six Little Elves (December 2020)

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Harry: 26 Camryn: 26 Darcy: 9 Lennon: 7 Auggie: 6 Bowie: 4 Calum: 2 1/2 Bindi: 9 months

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Harry: 26
Camryn: 26
Darcy: 9
Lennon: 7
Auggie: 6
Bowie: 4
Calum: 2 1/2
Bindi: 9 months

December 22 2020

"Mummy, Bindi's crying,"Bowie sighs dramatically, looking over at his wailing baby sister with a disgusted look on his face, almost as if she had offended him by just existing. So basically, he looked over at her in the way he always does.

"I know she is, when's she not, babe?"Camryn jokes quietly, resting her head back against the headrest of the car seat and sighing heavily, rubbing a palm down her face.

"Mama, Beenie woud,"Calum complains with a mighty pout forming on his plump lips, his palms going to his ears as he whimpers dramatically.

"I know Bindi's loud, she's tired of being in her carseat, I think,"Camryn explains with an exhausted demeanor, looking over at Harry with a helpless look.

"Good thing we only have three hours left, eh bug?"Harry jokes, side glancing over at Camryn who gives him a look that suggests she's not in the joking mood right now.

"Honey,"Camryn whispers, turning her head over to look at Harry as she keeps it rested on the headrest of the seat.

"Yes?"Harry asks with a little grin, raising his eyebrows at Camryn.

"I'm about to jump out of this car right now,"Camryn jokes, the sound of Bindi's wails ringing in her ears, the sound magnified in the small confines of the car.

"L-L-Lennie, g-g-give i-it b-b-back,"Auggie whines, reaching over his booster seat towards Lennon who has the iPad in his hands, playing a game that they were taking turns on, but Lennon has now decided to keep ahold of it for an extra turn.

"M-M-Mummy, L-L-Lennie w-w-won't g-g-give m-m-me a-a-a t-t-turn on t-t-the I-Ipad,"Auggie whines, his big blue eyes welling up with pitiful tears as he rests back against his booster seat, his bottom lip wavering.

"Hey, if we can't share the iPad then no one gets the iPad, okay?"Harry parents, taking over for Camryn since he can tell that all of the noise and ruckus of the hour hour car journey so far is taking a toll on her. "What's your choice?"

Lennon sighs heavily, rolling his eyes before he hands the iPad over to Auggie. "Here Gussy."

"Good choice,"Harry grins, resting his head back against the headrest as he hears a groan from the back seat.

"Daddy?"Bowie asks, his eyes not watching the movie that's currently playing on the television connected to the roof of the car.

"Yeah buddy,"Harry asks, looking behind his shoulder to change a lane on the highway before flicking his eyes up to the rearview mirror to glance at Bowie.

"When is MoMo coming?"Bowie asks, his finger traveling to his nose as he sticks it in and begins picking.

"Hey, get that finger out of your nose,"Harry chuckles, watching as Bowie's cheeks redden a bit at the fact that he was caught. He slyly brings his finger out of his nose and looks over sheepishly at Harry through the rearview mirror, "and bud, I already told you that MoMo's not coming to the cabin with us, remember? She's spending Christmas with her mum and Grandma Alice."

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