You're Pregnant Again?! (November 2013)

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Harry: 19

Camryn: 19, 5 weeks pregnant Darcy: 2Lennon: 3 months old

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Camryn: 19, 5 weeks pregnant
Darcy: 2
Lennon: 3 months old

"Babe will you please tell me what's wrong,"Harry asks holding Lennon to his chest and lightly kissing the top of his brown curls, "you've been so spacey all day. You're scaring me."

"It's nothing,"Camryn says continuing to clean up Darcy's dolls on the floor now that she's down for a nap, "I'm sorry I've just been overthinking. Don't worry, I'm okay."

"Overthinking about what?"Harry asks, continuing to rock his hips to soothe a sleepy Lennon.

"It's nothing, don't worry."Camryn assures him, not making eye contact and throwing some of the dolls into a bin, "it's silly and irrational."

"Baby, talk to me,"Harry says reaching down to grab onto Camryn's forearm, stopping her from continuing to pick up Darcy's toys, "c'mon, I'm here to listen to all of your overthinking silly thoughts, it's kinda my job as your husband." Harry smirks down at Camryn causing her to break into a bit of a smile.

"Fine,"Camryn relents and sighs before continuing, "I think I'm pregnant."

Harry's eyes bug out of his head as he goes pale, "what? What do you mean? You just had Lennon 3 months ago. Is that even possible?"

Camryn's eyes fill up with tears as she tries to calm herself looking up at Harry, "yeah, it's possible. I just don't know. I might be overthinking."

"But you haven't even gotten your period back from Lennon's pregnancy,"Harry counters trying to make sense of everything, "so wouldn't it be like impossible for you to get pregnant this soon?"

Camryn stands up wipes at a stray tear that fell down her cheek. "I don't know, but that might be why I haven't gotten it yet."

"But babe you haven't had any of the symptoms you had with Darce and Lennon. I mean you haven't been sick and you haven't broken out-"

"I know, but my boobs are sore which is scaring me,"Camryn interrupts Harry and puts her hand on Lennon's back who is now half asleep on Harry.

"Babe, you're breastfeeding, that's probably why,"Harry counters trying to calm Camryn's nerves that he can see are quickly rising, "don't worry, I really don't think you're pregnant."

"But what if I am? Harry we can't have another baby this soon,"Camryn starts to break down in tears that she's been silently holding back from Harry for the past three days, ever since the idea of pregnancy popped up in her mind, "Lennon is only 3 months old, we're going on tour with you and the boys in two weeks. Harry, 3 kids under the age of 3? I can't do that Harry, I can't. Lennon is too little. My body hasn't even had time to rest." Now that the first couple of tears started falling, she can't stop them and she's full on sobbing.

"Camryn I really don't think-"

"Harry, but what if I am,"Camryn cuts him off her emotions rising and making her voice crack, "we weren't going to try until Lennon was at least two. His pregnancy was so hard on my body, we agreed that it would be best to give it a break. And the doctors said his labor was so hard on my body that we should take a break."

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