Robin's Death (June 2017)

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Harry: 23

Camryn: 23 Darcy: 6Lennon: 3 1/2Auggie: 2 1/2Bowie: 16 months

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Camryn: 23
Darcy: 6
Lennon: 3 1/2
Auggie: 2 1/2
Bowie: 16 months

❤️thank you so much to elliecarterson and TPWK_Falling for requesting this chapter ❤️

June 19 2017

She hears the front door crash open before she can register what's going on. She groggily looks over at the clock on her nightstand and reads 11:37.

Harry went out with Niall after the kids went to bed to catch up with him since Niall has been in America for the past couple of months. They were going for a beer and Harry promised Camryn to be home before 11, but she told him to not worry about it and just have fun with Niall.

He runs into the bedroom looking disheveled and anxiously runs over to his drawers, pulling out clothes.

"Baby, what's wrong?"Camryn rasps, beginning to panic and standing up tiredly from the bed. She's just wearing a big t-shirt of Harry's and a pair of panties.

"Cam, it's Robin,"Harry chokes out, stopping his flailing around in the drawers and turning around to look at her. She catches the tears falling down his face and her heart sinks to the floor.

"Baby, what happened?"Camryn calmly asks walking towards Harry and cupping his cheeks in her hands. She gently runs her thumbs against the skin and looks into his pained green eyes.

"G-Gem called me,"Harry chokes out, beginning to break down, his chest heaving in quick pants, "she said we need to get to my mum's." His body shakes under her hands, so she wraps her arms around his waist to try and keep him steady. "She said he's going downhill fast and we need to come."

Her heart physically stops. This has to be wrong. They both knew he was sick, but they saw him just 2 weeks ago and it didn't look like he was going to die.

He was suppose to get better.

He was suppose to be okay.

"What?"Camryn whispers. She feels numb in a way. She expected to break down, normally she would, but for some reason she doesn't. She's just completely numb.

"I'm sorry, Cam,"Harry chokes out in-between tears. It's hit him hard, but he knows that when it hits Camryn finally, it will hit her the hardest.

It's no secret that Robin and Camryn had an extremely close relationship. They were connected at the hip and Robin was so protective over Cam. He was the only father figure Camryn had ever had. He healed her in ways that no one else could.

"Oh,"Camryn chokes out through the tightness of her chest, her eyes watering as she wraps her arms around Harry and sobs into his chest, his face falling to the top of her head, wetting her blonde hair with tears.

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