The Final Chapter (March 2055)

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March 21 2055

"Hello! It's so nice to meet with you all!"Chelsea, one of the hosts at BBC greets as she sits down with all of the Styles kids as well as Harry and Camryn who are all situated on a few couches. "Thank you for agreeing to meet with us, we're so excited to see how your family has grown."

"Thank you so much for having us,"Harry politely responds, his hand interlocked with Camryn's as they sit on a little couch to themselves. "There's a lot of us now."

"I saw backstage! There's more kids than you can even imagine,"Chelsea jokes as she looks towards the camera, earning a few hushed giggles from the Styles siblings. "Let's just go around and introduce yourselves and then say your kids names and maybe their ages?"

"We're Harry and Camryn,"Camryn introduces with a little shy smile, motioning her hand between her and her husband. "And Harry just turned 61 and I'm about to turn 61 as well in a few days! We've got 22 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren."

"Five great-grandchildren?"Chelsea asks in awe, "gosh that is just crazy! I feel like all of your grandchildren are still little babies."

"We feel that way too,"Harry chuckles, nodding his head in agreement, "it's so crazy to see our grandkids as parents, but they really are the best parents ever, it's so fun to watch them."

"I'm Darcy, I'm the oldest Styles kid,"Darcy greets with a little wave, sitting right next to Josh who has his arm around the back of the couch, her hand resting on his knee. "I'm 43 years old."

"And I'm her husband Josh, I'm 46 years old,"Josh greets with a kind smile towards Chelsea. "We've been married for 17 years now."

"We have seven kids,"Darcy explains, smoothing her palm against her dress, "Penny is our oldest and she's 25, she's married to Jaren who's also 25. Then there's Via, she's 23. Violet is 16, Lucy is 15, Delilah is 14, our twins Millie and Sophie are 12, and our youngest Soren is 8."

"I guess it's us next,"Lennon chuckles, waving his hand over at Chelsea as Nora tightens slightly against him, snuggling in tighter to him with Lennon's arm around her. She's been in the spotlight for a long time now because of Harry's fame, but it's still a bit frightening for someone as shy as Nora. "I'm Lennon and this is my wife Nora. We're both 41 years old and we've been married for 19 years."

"Crazy that it's been that long,"Nora giggles, turning her attention from looking at Lennon to instead look at Chelsea. "Our oldest is Hugh, he's 18, then we've got twins Preston and Parker who are 13. We've also got our angel baby Hazel who would be 9 years old right now."

"O-O-Our turn,"Auggie grins, looking over at Chelsea after Nora finishes speaking, "I'm A-A-August and t-t-this is m-my wife E-E-Emryn. I'm 40 and E-E-Emryn i-i-is 44."

"Gosh don't tell them my real age,"Emryn teases, rolling her eyes at Auggie who laughs quietly, squeezing her hand that's interlocked with hers as she turns her attention to Chelsea. "I'm actually not a day over 24,"Emryn teases. "We've been married for...16 years now...has it really been 16? Wow!"

"Y-Y-Yeah 16 y-y-years,"Auggie confirms, nodding his head as he looks over at Chelsea, "w-w-we, l-like L-L-Lennon and Nora, h-h-h-have a-a-an a-a-angel baby n-n-named K-K-Kaden, he'd b-b-be 13 r-r-right now. A-A-And w-w-we've g-g-got a l-l-little g-g-girl named Dazy who is 11."

"I'm Bowie, I'm the fourth Styles kid,"Bowie introduces with his arm around Morgan who has her hands folded in her lap with a big smile. "I'm 39 and Morgan is 38. We've been married for 19 years now...right?" He shoots a look at Morgan who laughs and nods her head, looking over at Chelsea.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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