A Teenage Miscarriage (November 12 2033)

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Harry: 39
Camryn: 39
Darcy: 22
Lennon: 20
Nora: 20
Emryn: 23
Auggie: 19
Bowie: 17
Morgan: 17
Calum: 15
Bindi: 13

Penny: 4

❤️thank you so much to KrisBerryCNN , Izzy078  and elizabethxmonk  for all requesting this chapter in the comment section! You are all so amazing and I love each and every one of you❤️

Warning: the miscarriage itself is pretty graphic, so please read with caution or skip over that part if that would be troubling for you <3

October 30 2033

"Bowie this is serious!"Morgan hisses with her voice cracking slightly, her eyes watering as she looks at Bowie in utter despair, her blood beginning to boil slightly at the thought that Bowie's not taking this as serious as she is. Maybe he's not as mature as she thought he was.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I'll stop joking,"Bowie pleads his innocence, holding his hands up as he continues to bend over the table he's working at in the camera dark room that's connected to the film room, his camera splayed out on the table as he changes some of the settings to be able to film his next scene that includes Morgan. "Sorry."

"I'm just so stressed, Bow, I can't even think straight, and I don't know if me puking this morning was from stress or it could be because I'm f*cking pregnant!"

"Hey, babe, take a breath, it's fine, we don't even know if you're pregnant or not,"Bowie tries to calm Morgan, using his hands to motion for her to calm down a bit as she looks at him with droopy eyes that are about to spill over with tears.

"Bowie, I was supposed to get my period a week ago,"Morgan sniffles with her chest tightening uncomfortably, her arms crossed over her stomach.

"Okay, we'll buy a test or something after school,"Bowie nods, a lot calmer about this than Morgan was expecting him to be as he picks up his camera, blowing a bit on the lens before wiping it with a clean cloth. "It's gonna be fine, Mo, c'mere."

Morgan sniffles and nods, crossing the table to come closer to Bowie who has now set down the camera, his arms open wide towards Morgan as she walks into him, cuddling in close as his arms tighten around her middle, one of his hands going up to cup the back of her head.

"I love you, peanut, it'll be fine,"Bowie whispers, pressing a kiss down to the top of Morgan's black hair. "We've got options. I'll do whatever you want to do."

"We're keeping it if I am, no if ands or buts,"Morgan stubbornly responds, pulling away from Bowie slightly to be able to look at him in the eye, wanting him to know how serious she is about that. "Okay? This is our fault and we're gonna own up to it."

Bowie widens his eyes and blows a raspberry with his lips, tightening his arms around her waist as she keeps her brown eyes looking directly at him, showing him that she doesn't want to fight but is willing to if it comes to that. "Okay, okay, if that's what you want to do."

"I gotta, get back to class,"Morgan whispers, shaking her head softly, pulling her arm away from Bowie's hand as she tucks a strand of her long black hair behind her ear, rushing towards the classroom door to leave Bowie all alone.

"Mo, wait,"Bowie calls with a little sigh, completely confused about the change in Morgan's demeanor as he sets down the camera, beginning to chase after her. "Peanut. Pea, c'mon, talk to me, babe."

"I gotta get back to Chem,"Morgan sniffles, swiping her fingers under her eyes as she refuses to look back at Bowie who's actively trying to catch up to her.

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