Darcy's First Steps (May 2012)

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Louis: 20
Zayn: 19
Liam: 18
Niall: 18
Harry: 18

Louis: 20Zayn: 19Liam: 18 Niall: 18 Harry: 18

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Camryn: 18
Darcy: 13 months

"C'mon girlfriend, you got it, c'mon, walk to mumma,"Harry coos, his hands around Darcy's stomach as he stabilizes the toddler, wavering on her feet.

"C'mere, baby,"Camryn coos a couple of feet away from them, kneeling down with her arms reaching towards the smiling little girl. "C'mon, come to mummy."

Liam, Zayn and Louis all intently watch watch from the couch quietly cheering on their niece. Niall sits right next to Camryn and makes faces at Darcy to make her giggle.

"Do you want mumma?"Harry coos, squeezing her tummy lightly.

"Mama,"Darcy babbles, reaching her arms towards Camryn.

"Go on,"Harry encourages, "go to mummy."

Darcy cautiously sticks out a wobbly leg and sticks it out, falling down immediately once Harry lets go of her. There's a still silence that runs through the studio as everyone holds their breath to see how Darcy reacts. She looks up from the floor and catches Harry's face that must give away his fear because she immediately breaks into tears.

"Oh no, honey,"Harry frowns, immediately reaching for her. He hugs her to his chest and sways lightly on his knees. "Shh, shh, it's okay. You're okay. That wasn't a very hard fall, you're okay."

Darcy whimpers and looks up at Harry, her big blue eyes filled with tears that always seem to melt him.

"Oh don't give me those eyes,"Harry chuckles gently pressing butterfly kisses all over her salty cheeks making her smile and squirm. "You know those destroy me."

Darcy babbles up at Harry as he uses the tips of his fingers to wipe off Darcy's cheeks. "Do you wanna try again?" Darcy gives a toothy grin up at him which causes Harry to break out in a smile. "Yeah? I think that smile means yes, should we try again? Hmmm?" Harry gently sets her down again on her wobbly legs, holding his hands around her stomach.

"Darcy, baby, come to mumma,"Camryn smiles, clapping her hands once to get Darcy's attention and then holding out her arms. Darcy grins shyly, batting her eyes and begins to munch on her knuckles.

"Oh are you being cheeky?"Niall laughs, watching the little girl playfully give flirty eyes.

"Are you a cheeky monkey?"Harry nuzzles his face into Darcy's neck making her squirm and grab at his face with her soft palm.

"C'mere, you cute thing,"Camryn fondly looks at the little girl and makes grabby hands towards her.

"C'mon princess, you can do it,"Liam cheers from the couch.

"Go to mumma,"Harry encourages. Darcy stalls a bit and looks back at Harry, a bit fearful to try again because of her fall last time.

Louis reaches over to grab a package of fruit snacks out of Camryn's diaper bag. "Here, Cami." He throws it gently towards her and she catches it in a swift movement, "good thinking, Tommo."

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