A Sickly Newborn & Teen Parents (June 2011)

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Harry: 17 Camryn: 17 Darcy: 2 months

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Harry: 17
Camryn: 17
Darcy: 2 months

❤️Thank you to lottiemac and GraceSparks0 for requesting this chapter!! Your endless support means the absolute world ❤️

June 18 --5:20 pm

"Darcy Anne,"Camryn hums, her lips formed in a permanent frown as she paces around the room with her tiny baby in her arms just the same way she's been doing for the past two hours. "Honey, your voice is straining...I know you're upset, but it's all okay."

Her heart sinks as she listens to her little girl's desperate cries, her voice beginning to die as it cracks with exhaustion and exertion.

"It says that we could try giving her a massage,"Harry suggests, looking up from the laptop that's balanced on his stomach as he scrolls through every website he can find to try and help Darcy's congested and sickly little body.

"Okay,"Camryn sighs with a nod, laying Darcy down on the mattress and sitting down in front of her as Harry repositions himself to be laying on his stomach, his head right by Darcy's as he reaches out to offer her tiny wrinkly palm his index finger.

"You're okay,"Harry promises, rubbing his thumb against Darcy's forehead that's red and scrunched up in a cry. "Sweetheart, give your throat a break, honey."

"She's gonna lose her voice,"Camryn sighs, rubbing and exhausted hand down her face before carefully massaging her fingers into Darcy's lower stomach.

"Her head is still really warm,"Harry acknowledges as he continues to rub his thumb against Darcy's forehead as she tries to turn her head in complete distress.

"I know,"Camryn sighs, cupping Darcy's sides with her palms and using her fingers to massage circles above her little belly button. "She definitely has a fever."

"I don't now what to do,"Harry whispers, looking down at Darcy with the most wary and cautious eyes. Him and Cam have only been parents for 2 months, and they've definitely never been faced with something as mentally tolling or heartbreaking as this. Forget cluster feeding, nothing compares to seeing your baby sick, especially when they're too little to give you any indication of what's wrong.

"She hasn't pooped all day,"Camryn say, looking up at Harry who still has his lips by Darcy's ear, whispering little sweet nothings to her as she continues to scream and cry in complete distress.

"Maybe she's constipated and that's why she's crying?"Harry suggests, peeking up at Camryn who looks unbelievably exhausted. Rightfully so, they didn't get more than an hour of sleep last night since Darcy was up the whole night with a fever and crying. "She could be cramping."

"Yeah, could be,"Camryn hums, walking her fingers down from Darcy's belly to grasp her little ankles, maneuvering them to walk in the air, bending them all the way back to her stomach to try and course the gas out of her. "Look at those little legs, daddy. Aren't they the cutest?"

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