Auggie's 8th Birthday (July 7th 2022)

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Harry: 28
Camryn: 28
Darcy: 11
Lennon: 8
Auggie: 8
Bowie: 6
Calum: 4
Bindi: 2

July 5th 2022

"Oh my my my, look at that bed head,"Harry laughs as Camryn walks down the stairs with a very grumpy Bindi attached to her hip, her hazel hair sticking up in every which direction as she whimpers and drops her cheek to Camryn's shoulder.

"Daddy, we are grumpy this morning,"Camryn chuckles with a little exhausted eye roll as she reaches her hand across Bindi's body to rub up and down her little back, getting a very irritated hand swat from Bindi who does not want to be touched.

"What's mummy talking about, you're always a joy in the morning, Belle,"Harry jokes, walking over to Bindi and leaning down to press a kiss to her little cheek which earns him a very annoyed whine as she shies away from him, burying her face deeper into Harry's neck.

"Dada NO!"Bindi yells, whining into Camryn's neck as she swats Harry's face away.

"Hey, no no no, absolutely not, we do not talk to dada like that, do you hear me?"Camryn sternly parents, catching Bindi's little wrist in her hand that was still trying to swat Harry away even though he moved. "That was not nice, Bindi Belle. Say sorry to dada."

Bindi grumbles and hides her face deeper against Camryn's neck, refusing to look over at Harry whose sharing an exhausted glance with Camryn.

"Bindi..."Camryn warns with a tone that suggests she should do what she wants if she wants to keep her freedom. She raises one eyebrow up at the top of her little girl's head who's still burrowing into her. "Bindi, I'm gonna count to three and if you don't say sorry to daddy you're gonna go in the Bindi"

"Sawee, dada,"Bindi whispers with a little sniffle as Camryn walks her over to the kitchen table to sit her down next to her siblings who are all at the table waiting for their breakfast to be served.

"Is Cal awake?"Harry asks as Camryn walks back over to the kitchen to help him finish pouring the kids' cereal.

"He is, yeah, he's just going to the bathroom and I told him to come down after,"Camryn confirms, yawning widely as she wraps her arms around Harry's waist from behind, resting her cheek on his back as he pours milk into each of the kids' bowls.

"Oh hello,"Harry giggles with a gruff voice, looking behind his shoulder at Camryn who's still snuggling into him sleepily.

"Mmm good morning,"Camryn murmurs with a little smirk as she turns her head to press a little kiss to Harry's back.

"Daddy, I'm hungryyyyy,"Bowie impatiently whines as he bangs his forehead down against his folded arms that are resting on top of the table.

"It's comin', bud, it's comin',"Harry promises, handing two bowls of cereal to Camryn to walk over to the kids just as Calum sleepily stumbles into the kitchen in just a pair of boxers with his potbelly spilling over, his hair a curly and tangled mess.

"Oh my goodness, there's my Cali Z,"Harry laughs, watching as his little boy continues to sleepily stumble into the kitchen, practically tripping over his own two feet. "Hey bud, how are you?"

"Tired,"Calum grumbles, knuckling at his eyes as he tucks his chin to his chest, creating a little double chin as Harry walks over to squat down in front of his little boy, picking him up to give him a snuggle.

"You're tired, hmm? You can take a nap a bit later if you want,"Harry suggests with a little grin as he presses a few butterfly kisses to his warm forehead, rubbing his hand up and down Calum's back. "Maybe daddy will take a nap with you, I'm a bit tired too."

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