Mastitis & Home Sickness (May 2011)

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Harry: 17

Camryn: 17

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Camryn: 17

Darcy: 4 weeks old

"Hi baby,"Harry rasps as he rubs his eyes, smushing his face down further into the pillow. His heart stops as he hears Camryn's sniffled cries through the phone, "what's wrong?"

"Baby, they hurt so bad,"Camryn sniffles. He can hear Darcy's muffled cries in the background and Camryn's hushed shushes.

"What? What hurts?"Harry asks in his groggy haze, putting the phone closer to his ear so that he doesn't wake up the boys.

"My boobs, remember?"Camryn whispers laying a fussy Darcy on her legs, "babe, they've gotten so much worse."

Camryn had been complaining about her breasts hurting ever since this morning, but she had brushed it off as them just being overfilled- the normal breastfeeding pains she had had for the past couple of weeks.

"What do they feel like, babe?"Harry whispers, turning his head over his shoulder to make sure Zayn, who's sleeping next to him in still asleep.

"They're like hot? I dunno. I think I have a fever. I'm sweating buckets,"Camryn explains as she rocks side to side cradling Darcy in her arms holding her lower than she normally would so she doesn't accidentally touch her breasts, with the phone between her ear and shoulder.

"A fever? Do you think you're sick, buggy?"Harry whispers and flinches as he hears Louis groan from the other bed next to his and Zayn's; he doesn't want to wake any of the boys up. They've had such a busy past couple of days.

"I dunno. I don't know what to do babe, like I almost have to scream every time Darcy sucks on them,"Camryn sighs rubbing at her tired eyes.

"Do they look the same?"Harry questions.

"You trying to get me to send you pictures?"Camryn jokes a bit, her smile reaching Harry through the phone.

Harry chuckles lightly, "I mean yes, but I also wanna make sure you're okay."

Zayn sits up from beside Harry in the bed, rubbing his eyes as he blinks over at Harry's back, who is clutching the phone to his ear. Zayn gently touches Harry's shoulder, "everything alright?"

Harry quickly turns his head over his shoulder and looks back at Zayn, "sorry, mate. I was trying to be quiet."

Zayn shakes his head, "it's alright, I just wanted to make sure you were alright."

Harry nods his head, sitting up with his back against the headboard of the bed, "it's just Cami."

Zayn is satisfied with this answer and closes his eyes again, trying to drift off to sleep.

"Can I FaceTime you? Maybe I'm just overreacting, but maybe you could try and figure out if there's something wrong with them."

"Sure, baby,"Harry agrees as Camryn hangs up the phone and immediately calls back, this time it's a FaceTime. Harry slips in headphones before answering.

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