The Story of My Life (August 31 2013)

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^^^^ of course listen to "Story of My Life" while reading this ;)

^^^^ of course listen to "Story of My Life" while reading this ;)

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Harry: 19
Camryn: 19
Darcy: 2
Lennon: 2 weeks old

Harry: 19Camryn: 19Darcy: 2 Lennon: 2 weeks old

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Louis: 21
Zayn: 20
Niall: 19
Liam: 20

❤️thank you so much to icelyn1989 for requesting this lovely chapter idea❤️

❤️and thank you so much to GraceSparks0 for requesting a scene in this chapter❤️

"Dada, dada,"Darcy whispers, patting her little palm gently against Harry's cheek as he sleeps on his stomach, his cheek smushed against the pillow with curls falling into his eyes as hot and tiny gusts of air escape from his semi open lips.

"Dada,"Darcy tries again, tapping her palm against Harry's cheek a bit more forcefully and nudging her face closer to his.

"Huh?"Harry startles awake, shooting his head up groggily from the pillow and blearily looking over at Darcy, having to blink a few times before his green eyes can focus on her.

"Oh hi, lovey,"Harry greets with a tired little grin, brushing some of his messy curls away from his eyes as he looks down at his little girl. "How're you?"

"I woke up, dada,"Darcy informs Harry with a proud smile, fiddling with the hem of her pajama shirt as she looks up at him through the mess of bed head that she has in front of her face, practically blocking her vision.

"Mmm, I see that,"Harry murmurs with a tired grin, collapsing his cheek back down onto the pillow and continuing to look at Darcy. "Do you want to come and snuggle with mummy and me? We're still going to sleep for a bit I think."

"You still tired?"Darcy questions, leaning over the bed and resting her cheek down on the mattress so that the tip of her nose is pressed against Harry's, their eyes looking right into each other.

"Yeah,"Harry nods with a mighty yawn, smacking his lips together as he looks at Darcy as she wipes away some of her messy brown hair from her eyes. "Baby Lennon likes to eat a lot and wakes mummy and I up a lot."

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