Chapter 22: The Unforgettable Song.

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Monday arrived and I wish it hadn't. I woke to my alarm, it was 7:20.. Well I only have 30 minutes to get ready. I groaned and got myself out of bed. I went into the bathroom and washed my face. I head back into my room changing into a floral dress and my white converse on. I lightly curled my hair and applied a little bit of make up. I lastly put on my pink lip gloss then checking in the mirror one last time.
I grab my back pack and headed downstairs.

I walk in to see Cameron, Jack, Matt and Kayla.
"Where is everyone else?" I ask sitting down on the chair.

"Probably still upstairs." Jack replies, he sounds upset or something is up with him..

"Oh okay." I say back to him.

He seemed kind of down.. I don't know why but I would have to ask him later; in private. I kept my eye on Jack through out the school day.
Science class came along and I quickly sat down next to Jack.
"Jack, what's wrong? I've been watching you all day. And you haven't really been like yourself."

"Nothing.. Nothing is wrong. Why do you care?" He says snapping at me.

"I do care. You're like my older brother to me. Jack please." I say begging at him.

"Later." And that's all he says to me during the whole science class.

I tried to piece things together to figure out what could be wrong. Could it be something with Addy and him? Was it something I did? School? Friends? What could it be.. I kept thinking up solutions but wasn't sure if those were what was going on..

School ended and I rushed to find Jack. I was practically running down the halls until I ran into Addy.

"Sorry.. I gotta find Jack." I say still running. I finally find him by his locker.

"Jack.." I say out of breath.

"Kylie, are you okay? Why were you running?"

I tried to get oxygen back into me.
"To... F-find you." I finally word from heavy breathing.


"Cause.. I need to talk to you." I say calmly.

"About what?" He says.

"Enough with the questions. We're going home come on." I say taking his hand.

We arrive back home and I grab Jacks hand leading him up to his room.

"What are you doing? And why are we in my room?" He asks with mixed emotions.
I shut the door behind me to make sure no one followed us.

"Okay, spill." I say standing folding my arms.

"About what?" He asks all dumb.

"Jack.. You know what I mean." I say sitting down next to him.

He lets out a big sigh, he stands up walking over to his desk sitting down unlocking his laptop. I walk over to him standing behind him.
He goes onto YouTube and goes to a video. He then scrolls down to comments and points to his screen. I lean down trying to read them. He stands up and I take his spot. I read through almost all of the comments.

I finish and turned around to see Jack sitting on his bed with his face in his hands.

"Jack?" I say to him.


"Is this why you're upset?" I ask him.

"Yes. It makes me feel like a failure."

"No you're not! You and Jack write amazing music together. I'm jealous." I say to him.

"Well you don't get the hate. You don't know how I feel!!" He says getting up pacing back and forth yelling at me.

"Jack stop beating yourself down! This is what they want you to do! Is this what you want?!" I say to him grabbing his hand into mine holding it.
He looks down at my hands about to cry.

"Hey, don't cry it's okay." I say giving him a tight hug.

He cries into my shoulder and we both stand there holding onto each other. I tried not to cry. But I left some tears fall. I don't like seeing him like this.
I stand back sniffling and wiping my nose, and under my eyes.
He stands back laughing a little while still sniffling.
I giggle a little too.
Why do we even do that? Like after every time we cry we laugh..

I sit down on his bed grabbing his guitar. I played around with the chords and I start to play some random chord.

"Hey, do that again." Jack tells me.


"Yeah.. It can be our next song."

I smile at him and start to play what I was playing. I then start to sing and Jack looks up in shock stopping me.

"I didn't know you can sing!" He says surprised.

"I can't.. I sing but I don't think I can sing."

"But you can, would you like to do this song with me?" He asks looking into my eyes.

How could I say no to that look.

"Fine.." I say moaning..

"Kay, good!" He says smiling.

We worked on the song until Addy knocked on the door and walked in.
"Hey, Jack you okay?"

"Huh. I'll talk to you.." He says giving me a look.

"I'll just leave." I say getting up off the bed.

"Kylie, wait." He says standing up walking towards me giving me a hug whispering, "Thank you. I really need that and you. I love you little sis."
I smile at him and shut the door behind me.

"Hey, is Jack okay?" Cameron says walking towards me.

"His better.." I say.

"Should I know about it." He asks me.

"I don't wanna say cause I don't know if he wants me too. I'm pretty sure he'll tell you, don't worry okay?"

"Okay, I'm trusting you." He says hugging me.
I hug him back.

"Want to go out and eat?"

"Yeah." I say. He grabs my hand and we left to get dinner.

We went to one of my favorite places.. Chick-fil-a!😏👏
We ate our dinner on the drive home.
We arrived home 15 minutes later and Cameron and I went upstairs and watched a movie together until we fell asleep.


I hoped you liked it!
I love writing it especially with the help of friends..😊 addynault

Lemme know whatcha think.😉

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