Chapter 26: Our New Beginning.

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I walk into school that day and notice everyone whispering to one another.
"What's going on?" I say to Kayla.

"Mr. Portland is in hand cuffs, they're taking him away."

"What?! What happened?" I ask her immediately.

"I guess the school found out that his been hacking into the computer to change his daughters grades to all perfect grades."

"Really?" I thought to myself, maybe that's why he gets all jumpy when I talk about his daughter.

All of us watched him get escorted out by the police. I'm looking around to find Jessie and to know what's going on with her father. I finally spot her with the police men. They were talking to her and she kept on nodding her head to him.

"Alright everyone, head to class!" Shouts our principle in front of the crowd. I hear moans of disappointment when he said that.
I find Cameron in the crowd.

"Cameron!" I say trying to get to him.
I finally reach Cameron, "Cameron, this is crazy." I say to him.

"I know I feel bad, but I won't feel bad if Jessie knew he was doing that."

"Same goes for me. If she knew wouldn't she be in trouble too?" I ask him.

"I would think so." He says.

"I should go find her. I know we've had our differences but I'm that type of person that see good and people and care." I say to him looking into his deep, eye catching brown eyes.

"I understand. Do you want me to come with you?" He asks me grabbing my hand.

"No I'll be fine, I'll see you later okay?" I say and lean in to kiss his cheek.

"Yeah, I'll see you later babe."

I walk away and head towards Jessie, some of her friends talked to her then left when I came. She turns around to see me, she rolls her eyes at my appearance.

"What do you want?" She says wiping tears off her face.

"I-I just wanted to see how you are right now."

"I'm fine."

"But did you know he was doing that?"

She didn't reply, I had to repeat myself.

"Did you know Jessie?"

"No! I didn't!" She says snapping.

"I now have to go live with my mom, cause my dad but you already know that." She says looking at me cause I wanted some answers.

"When do you leave?" I ask her.

"I'm hoping today will be my last day, cause if it's not school will get hard for me, with rumors and my dad."

"But wouldn't you have known your grades were changing or different?" I ask her.

"I haven't really, I mean I turn almost everything in. I'm a pretty good student. But my dad has been hassling me to get into a certain college and career. But I had no idea he was doing that."

I truly did believe her. I can see it in her, she may have that horrible attitude and appearance sometimes but I honestly could see and tell she was being honest.

"Can we just put the past in the past?" I ask her.

"Yeah we can. I also have to tell you something. I put these walls to act like I'm tough, but I'm really not. I'm just jealous and a over dramatic girl."

"It's okay, I put up walls myself thinking I'm strong enough or good enough."

"Thank you." She says with a real smile.

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