Chapter 10: The Truth.

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I wake up next to Cameron, he was still sleeping. His arm wrapped around me. I slowly tried to move away, until Cameron's arm pulled me in closer to him. "Cameron, I have to get up." I say trying to leave his arms.
"No, lay with meee." He says a little sleepy.
"Cameron.." I say pouting at him.
"C'mon don't you want to lay in bed all day with me?" He says turning me around facing him. I look into his deep brown eyes. "Of course, I'll only lay here for a couple of more minutes, okay?" I say holding out my hand with my pinky out. He pinky promises with me. I lay there with my head on his chest, hearing his heart beat. Cameron holding me tighter. "Kylie, what are you doing?"
"Listening to your heart beat." I say.
"Why?" He asks me.
"I don't know.." I say sitting up looking outside. "I now need to get ready." I say getting up from my bed grabbing my bag to find clothes. "Kylieeee." He pouts getting up from the bed. "What honey bunch.." I say laughing acting like we're married.
"I want you to stay with me longer." He pouts more, coming up to me and facing me. I stand up straight more standing next to Cameron. He stares at me for a moment.. "You know you're really beautiful.." He say brushing my hair back behind my ear. I look down hiding myself from blushing. I look back up to Cameron, he puts his hand on my cheek looking me in the eyes. Switching from my eyes to lips. He leans in kisses me passionately, I kiss him back. We kissed longer than usual. We pull away and I start to smile. He steps back putting his hand behind his head. "I'll leave so you can get ready." He says leaving my room.

I hurried and got ready. I'm wearing white short shorts with a black tank top saying 'Stay Cloudy' inside of a cloud. My hair is in a high ponytail. I went to grab my phone and saw I had 12 missed calls and 7 text messages.. It was from a random number. I noticed I had a voicemail, I pressed play. I heard some sniffles on the other line. "Kylie, sweetie where are you? Where did you go? We woke up and you were gone. Honey, were really worried. Come home." And hangs up. Are they now just realizing I'm gone?! I looked to see when she called, June 3rd. "That was five days ago!" I say all confused. But why am I just getting them? When I ran away from home I blocked my parents numbers so they couldn't contact me that well.

I ran down the hall into Madie's room I bust through the door to see Madie and Hayes sleeping. "Oh, huh, my bad." I say quietly closing the door. "Kylie?" I hear Madie say. I reopen the door. "Madie, I need to talk to you."
"Okay, I'll be out in a minute." She says.

I wait for a couple of minutes for her. She walks out of her room. "What's up?" She asks me.
"Let's do this in my room." I say walking to my door opening it. We go in and I sit on my bed. Madie comes and sits next to me. "Listen to this voicemail." I say handing her the phone. I watch her face, she turns towards me with faces I was predicting of. "You never told them you were leaving?!"
"No, they wouldn't even let me go even if I told them!" I say.
"Kylie, what if they're on their way?! What if they take you back?!" She said all worried and scared.
"No, they can't find me!" I say back to her.
Someone walks in, "Who wants to find you?" I look to see Cameron. I look at Madie asking her if we can have a minute. "Cameron, do you remember last night when you asked me why I had reasons to leave my home."
"Well, I practically ran away.." Before he could say anything I hurried and said, "The day before I left to California, my dad he hurt me, Cameron. He hasn't ever done something like it before."
"Kylie, what did he do?!" He asks me angry with a demand.
"See this." I say pointing to my cheek. It left a mark from when he hit me. Cameron goes to touch my mark, examining it. I almost start to cry when a tear came and fell onto his finger. "Kylie." He says picking me up hugging me. I start to cry in his shoulder. "Cameron, I can't go b-back." I say shaking my head back and forth. He pulled me back telling me to calm down. "I won't let them find you. What must we do to make them not find us?" He asks me giving me time to reply.
"I don't know, they called me. So they possibly can track me down.. We must get rid of my phone."
"Okay, will leave right now to get a new phone." I nod my head. I wiped my tears off my face. I grabbed my mini hand bag and went out to the car.

"We'll be back soon." Says Cameron telling everyone. Cameron and I went and came back as fast as we could. We arrive back at the house and notice a police car and a unfamiliar car.
"Oh no, Cameron I think they're here."
"No, they can't be! They can't take you away from me." He says pulling out of the driveway and down the street. "Cameron, I can't hide forever."
"I know I just needed to take you here; cause I don't know if this will be our last moment together or not." He says wishing he didn't say that.
"Cam.." I say he just held my hand while we watched the waves crash against the sand. I lye my head on his shoulder. I sighed big. "Should we head back?" He asks me.
"I don't want to, but we have to." I reply.

We arrived back at the house and the police car was still there along with the unfamiliar car. We get out of the car I grasped onto Cameron's arm, holding onto him. We walked into the house to see my mom and dad sitting on the couch talking to the police. My mom jumps up and runs into my arms. I didn't hug her back. I let her hug me. My father walks over to me. "No!" I say putting my hand out to stop him. I grab Cameron again. "Kylie, what's wrong?" My father asked me.
"You know what you did!" I say yelling at him.
"I don't know what you mean." He says pretending to be all confused.
"You do too know what you did!" I yelled back him. Cameron held onto me so I wouldn't do something I would regret. My father grabs my arm, "You're coming home with us now!" He says trying to drag me.
"No!" I say trying to fight him. Cameron stands in front of me and took my fathers hand off of my arm. "Sir, you need to stop hurting her!" He says.
"And who are you?"
"Cameron, her boyfriend and you need to leave!" He yelled pointing at the door.
"I'm not going to listen to some kid." My father says chuckling. He swung his arm into Cameron's face. "Cameron?!" I screamed loudly trying to see if his okay. My father grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Cameron. "Dad, let go of me, I need to see if his okay!" I say starting to cry and fighting him as much as I can. The police comes up an takes my fathers hand off me and pins him against the wall. "You're being under arrest." The cop says. "For harassing your daughter and abusing her." My mother try's to comfort me. "No, leave!" I say screaming at her. "Don't touch me! I don't want to see you ever again! You stay out of my life." I say trying to help Cameron. My dad hit him so hard he fell to the floor, hitting his head on the floor. My mother walked out the door without saying anything to me..

I'm yelling for Madie and Addy to help me. Cameron was slowly trying to walk up. "Cameron I'm so sorry.." I say crying.
"Jack, Nash, Hayes, Taylor, Aaron!" Yells Addy. They all ran into the living room. "Help carry him up to his room." Madie tells them. I walked into the kitchen to try to find ice. I put the ice in a bag and went upstairs to Cameron's room. I walk in to see everyone about to leave. They just looked at me nodded. Jack came up to me and hugged me tight. "Kylie, his going to be fine." He says to me. He shuts the door behind him. I walk over to Cameron sitting on the edge of his bed. I slowly put the ice pack on his face. He flinched, "I'm sorry." I said lifting up the bag. He grabbed my hand and said "Kylie, I'm so sorry for getting into this. I just wanted to protect you."
"I know, and thank you for that." I say putting the ice pack back on his face. Cameron sat up and told me to come lay with him. I tried hard not to hurt him. "Ow." He says.
"I'm sorry." I say sitting up.
"I'm just kidding, I just wanted to see what you would do." He says laughing a little.
"Cameron.." I say giving him a glare. He pulled me back into his arms. Feeling his arms around me makes me feel safe. I felt like we were the only ones left here. Cameron kisses the back of shoulder, "Goodnight baby."
"Goodnight." I say back to him drifting off to sleep.

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