Chapter 19: Not Knowing What Happened.

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Second day of school. Let's just hope it goes much smoother then the first day. As I was getting ready for school all I could think about was that Jessie girl. I know she's trying to get into my head. Thinking that she could possibly get Cameron back. Would he do that to me? He did have a hard time getting over her. It could still happen.. I shook my head thinking No, no Cameron would never hurt me that way, and he never will.

I do my final touches and head out my bedroom door. I head downstairs and see a camera set up in the living room. I walk over and see Jacks laptop. I see that he made a video that one day I asked why he had his camera out. I press play and watched.
"Hey guys! Jack here.. Today is the day you all have been waiting for. The music video comes out! Jack, Skate and I worked hard in this video and we hope you enjoy!" Jack says as the music started to play. I didn't really know they could sing.

The song was Like That (ft. Skate).
As the music video was going I had no idea Jack G could sing! Then Jack Johnson could rap! I was mind blown. The music video ended and I smiled. Jack walks in not noticing I was there.
"Oh my gosh! What are you doing?!" He says rushing towards me to shut his laptop.
"Nothing, I-I just watched a video." I say to him.
"You weren't suppose to see that.." He says looking away.
"But why?" I ask him.
"You know me too well.. It's embarrassing.." He says still not looking at me.
"It was really good! I had no idea you had that much talent!" I say to him happy.
"You're just trying to be nice.." He says slowly looking at me.
"No, you are really good Jack. I can't sing so if that makes you better.." I say laughing.
"Thank you.." He says shyly..

We arrived at school.. I was already hating school. This was suppose to be the best time of high school, were seniors! We've came so far, I just wanted it to be drama free and fun. Looks like drama will always be in my life.

As I walked down to my locker Jessie ran into me on purpose. I dropped my books.
"Oops, sorry. Didn't see you there.." She says laughing with her clique.
"No, excuse me." I say rolling my eyes at her. I reached down to grab my books, when someone comes up to me.

"Here let me help you."
"Thanks." I say to the random girl.
"The names Kayla.." She says holding out her hand. I try to give her a hand shake but I couldn't. "Oh, umm here where's your locker?" She asks me.
"It's 1044." I say.
"That's kinda by mine. Except mines 1038 obviously." She says laughing.

Kayla seems really cool, funny, spunky and really out there too.
"I'm Kylie." I say finally.
"Well it's nice to meet you. Oh and Jessie she's a brat.." She says whispering and leaning in.
"I know, figured it out the hard way.." I say to Kayla.
"You did?! What happened? If you don't mind me asking."
"Oh no, you're fine. I got into a fight with her.."
"Over what?"
"My boyfriend.. He use to date her and we had a cat fight." I say to Kayla.
"Dang! Did you win?" She ask me looking at me.
"I mean I think I did. She backed off first so. Yeah, I guess you could say so." I tell her.
"That's good, cause everyone hates her." Kayla says.
"I bet." I say laughing.

*Bell Rings*

"Oh, I gotta head to class, but where are you going?" I ask her.
"Math, you?"
"Same, what about teacher?"
"Uh.. Dalton."
"Me too." I say smiling.
"Great!" She says taking my hand heading to class.
"Here, let's sit here." She says pointing to two desks in the back.
I sit down next to her.
"So, tell me about yourself." She says to me.
"What do you want to know?" I ask her.
"I don't know, what do you like to do?"
"Well, I love taking pictures so photographs."
"Um. I don't know. Ask me another question."
"Okay, um how about you tell me about your boyfriend?"
I didn't think she would ask this question. I mean I obviously have an answer for this but I just met Kayla.
"Well, his very sweet, protective and amazing.." I say as I drift off. I started getting this massive head ache.
I was then thinking about Cameron. How he does everything for me. And I don't really do anything for him.
"Kylie? Kylie? Are you okay?" She says waving her hand over my face.
"Yeah. Just thinking." I say shaking my head.
"Okay. Well class is starting." She says.
Class continues on and I pay attention.

*Bell Rings.*

"I'll meet up with you at lunch, okay?" Kayla says to me.
"Okay, I'll look for you." I say.
"Kay!" She says rushing out of math class.

I walk down the hall to go to my locker.
Addy is at her locker.
"Hey." I say to her.
"Hi, what class were you just in?"
"Math.." I say with a face.
"Ugh. I'm sorry." She says closing her locker.
"It's okay, I sat next to a girl named Kayla and she's gonna sit with us at lunch."
"Okay, great!" Addy says walking with me down the hall.
"What do you have next?" I ask Addy.
"I have P.E but I hear there are color guard tryouts so that's what I'll be doing."
"I know you love your color guard." I say laughing.
"I know." She says cheerful.
"Bye." I tell her.
"Bye, I'll see you at lunch." She says to me.

Second class period went by fast. Probably because I was too tired to care at that point.
As I walked down the hall rubbing my forehead because of a head ache. I see Cameron walk towards me.
"Babe, are you okay?" Cameron says taking my back pack off.
"I've just got this head ache really bad all of the sudden." I say leaning myself against the locker.
"Kylie, you're not looking too good." Cameron says taking my hand.
"I'll be fine." I say to him leaning off of the locker.
"No, Kylie you're not." He says worried. I lean back onto the locker for support.
"Here, I'm going to take you home." He says picking me up in his arms.
"Cameron. No. I'm fine. " I say weak. Cameron carries me out to his car putting me in the passenger seat. As he puts me down I groan.
"Don't worry I'll get you home." Cameron says closing the car door.
I just groan more.

Cameron sped really fast going home. "Cameron you're going too fast." I say to him.
"I'm just trying to hurry, okay baby."
"Okay.." I say closing my eyes.

We arrived at home and I'm so happy we made it alive. "Here stay there I'll grab you." Cameron tells me to stay where I am. He picks me up and takes me inside upstairs to my bed.

All I remember is Cameron taking my into my room. I woke up Cameron looking at me. I slowly opened my eyes looking at the ceiling. "Hey, how are you?" Cameron says grabbing my hand rubbing it. I turn my head towards him looking into his eyes. He looks at me and makes me want to cry. My eyes start to tear up.
"Kylie, please don't cry." He says brushing a tear off my face. "I was so scared Kylie, I didn't know what was happening. I didn't know what to do." He says looking down almost crying.
"Cameron don't, I'll be better. It'll take time, it's okay."
"I know, I know." He says quietly. He squeezes my hand.
"Could you get me something to eat?" I ask him.
"Yeah, of course." He says standing up leaning down kissing my forehead, I close my eyes.

As Cameron left my room I tried to remember what happened today. I remember being at school and ending up here. But I was still all confused on why I'm sick.. Or what's wrong with me.

Cameron walks in with a bowl of soup and saltine crackers. "Thank you." I say to him sitting up straight. Cameron and I talked as I ate. "Cameron I just wanted to say is, thank you for everything. And thank you for taking care of me."
"Yeah, of course, you know I would do anything."
I just smile at him.

Madie, Addy, Melanie, Lauren and Rachael walk in. "Are you alright?!" Madie says rushing over to me.
"I'm doing alright." I say. They all sit around me.
"What happened?" Addy ask me.
"I don't know I started to get a head ache and hot but I'm not sure. I feel much better then earlier." I say her.
"Well that's good." She says to me.

We all talked, laughed, smiled it made me forget what happened today. They are best of friends and people that I love and I realized today how much they do for me. And how much they mean to me.

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