Chapter 39: The Accident

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We walk back to Cameron's car, wait no, excuse me his jeep. He gets all butt hurt that I call it a car and not a jeep. It's honestly the same thing. He opens the door of his jeep for me and I climb in like a little kid that's about to pass out, I'm exhausted.
Cameron closes the door and heads over to his side, hops in and let's out a big sigh.

"Babe.. What's wrong?" I say concerned. I sit up and face him to let him know that I'm listening, always.

"Nothing, it's just been too long Kylie." He says looking into my eyes.

I lean over climb into his lap and just sat there, I gave him a hug and said,"I know, me too."

I push off of him,"But that doesn't matter now, I'm here and.. Forever will be." Smiling, holding up my left hand to him, showing him the ring.

He gives a smile,"Best decision I've ever made." Pulling me in closer. We sat there in perfect silence until Jack G walks up to the jeep door and knocks on the glass, nearly scaring me to death.

"Sorry." He says with a light chuckle.
"Anyways, what's the plan? Is everyone all tired out to drive? Should we just spend the night here?"

"Umm." I began to say.

"No no, I'm good." Cameron says reassuring Jack.

"You sure babe?"

"Positive. I just want to be home, now."

"Okay, I guess his fine so well just meet you guys back at the house?" I say to Jack.

"Yes! Can't wait!" He says all hype going back to Nash's car.

I crawl back into my seat, buckling up and curling up into a ball, I'm tired asf.

Cameron turned on the radio, turning it down so it's not too loud.

My eyes began to get so heavy that I couldn't keep them open any longer. I drift off to sleep with the sound of the radio and cars passing by.

I must've been dreaming, I see two bright lights coming my way and cover my face to try and block them out, I feel a push, shove, forward, side, back. Over and over, all on repeat. I couldn't  comprehend what was going on. Then it all stopped, no more moving just, silence.

Moments later I blink my eyes to try and open them but I still see the two bright lights ahead of me, and... I'm upside down? I began to slowly look around until I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I clenched my jaw hard. "Ow, ow!" I say trying to touch my neck for support.

A hear a voice saying,"Hello! Can you hear me?"

"Yeah, over here!" I still have no idea what's happening.

I see a figure bend down on the ground next to where I'm up in the air. I try to speak but the person beat me to it.

"Okay, stay steady, don't try and move we will get you out." The women gets up off the ground and walks away from me, I could hear the cracking noise of stepping on glass, a lot of glass..

Obviously I didn't listen to the women, I then turn my head to the left and I see Cameron, motionless.

"Cameron.." I say weak.
"Cameron, Cameron!!" I say starting to freak out, his not moving or talking. What do I do!?

"HELP!! Someone please! What's going on!? Someone please tell me!" I say crying and screaming trying to get out of my seat belt.

"Ma'am don't move, stop moving, you'll just injure yourself more!"

"I don't care!! Just get me out!!" I cry more and I keep trying to get out but give up because I couldn't get loose.

I just keep looking at him, still not moving or talking to me. I just cry and cry.

"Don't look at him, you're making it harder for yourself."

I kept looking at him, ignoring her.

Another person comes to Cameron's side and starts to take him out of his seat. I start squirming more because I need to get out, now!

"Get me down!!" I yell at them.

"Ma'am stay still, we're gonna try and get you out now. But you need to calm down, okay?"

I nod my head in response.

The firefighter finally got me out and laid me down on the side of the road.

"Stay here, don't move, the medics are coming."

I didn't respond to him. I sat there staring at the jeep, flipped upside down, missing a tire, glass all over the place and I see the other car all the way on the other side of the road. I began to bring it all together. I wasn't dreaming of those two lights, and all the movements I had. Cameron and I got in a car accident and its real, not a dream.

The medics appear to me and are asking a million questions per second, I couldn't keep up, until I see Jack push through the medics to get to me.

"Kylie!!" He says rushing to me. He goes to hug me but one of the medics stopped him.

"You can't! You might hurt her more, and you can't be here you gotta go stay behind the caution tape, now!"

"Jack! No! Don't leave me!"

"It's okay, I'll come get you at the hospital."

I nod my head to Jack then see him run after a gurney, Cameron!

"Cameron!! No Cameron!!" I try to stand up and run over there but the medics kept me down.

"You can't see him now, his heading straight to the hospital."

"But I need to see him! Is he okay?! Is he gonna be okay?!"

They both looked at each other and didn't say anything.

I put both of my hands to cover my mouth and remove all my tears trying not to freak out when too late, I have been this whole time.

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