Chapter 7: The Beach & The Heartache

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I woke up wondering where I was. I looked around the room everyone was still asleep. I rubbed my eyes trying to wake myself up. I sat up trying to find my phone to see what time it was. It was under the blanket, it said 10:30 am. I heard Cameron groan switching sides. I tried hard not to wake him. I had to creep around everyone. It seemed like they were all dead. No noises, just lying around. I accidentally tripped over my boots landing face forward. I made a big crash. I made a little squeal when I fell. I hurried and got up.. Everyone was sound asleep still. Until I heard a voice.. "Kylie? Where are you going?" I turned around to see Cameron slowly sit up rubbing and squinting his eyes to get his vision back. "I'm so sorry I woke you, I just needed to go back to my room to shower." I said quietly.
"Oh okay, you'll be back right?" He asks.
"Of course, I'll see you later?"
"Yeah.." He said falling back asleep.

I closed the door behind me then entered my room. I walked in and flopped onto the bed, looking at the ceiling. I let out a big sigh. I was thinking about last night. I'm really falling for Cameron. I just met the guy, but what if it was fate? Could that be the answer to all this? I shook my head no, it can't be. I sat back up looking around the room to find my bag. I needed to grab my outfit for the day and a towel. I found my stuff and turned on the water. I got in the shower and just stood there for a while..
I don't know what to say to Cameron when I have to leave today.. Today is the day we leave the hotel and move into our new home in Cali. I have to tell him. All the sudden a knock came to the bathroom door. "Kylie? Are you in there?" I didn't know who was talking to me I just replied "Huh, yeah I'll be out in just a minute!" I hurried turn off the water, dried off and got dress. I put my pink short shorts on and my California Love shirt.. I walked out of bathroom and saw Cameron sitting on the couch, crouched over with his arm on his knees and his hands in his face. "Cameron, are you okay?" I asked walking towards him drying my hair with my towel. "Oh yeah, I just wanted to talk to you." I sat down next to him, looking at him.
"I've been thinking about last night." He started to say.
"Me too.." I said still looking at him.
"I know we just met-" he started to say.. I cut him off, "Cameron don't." I said about to cry. I fight back my tears but one slipped away from me. He grabbed my hand and put them on top of mine. I look down at our hands and look up to his eyes. "Cameron, I have to tell you something.. I'm leaving today, I have to go to California and move into my new house. It's my dream to live in California. I just needed to tell you that before I leave." I say about the sob out of control.
"Kylie, I don't want you to go. I know we just met but you can't leave now."
"I'm sorry Cameron.. I want to stay but I need to go.. Thank you for last night." I leaned in and kiss his cheek. I leaned back I got up and left the room about to cry my heart out. I ran into Madie on my way out.
"Kylie, are you okay? What's wrong? What happened?" She asked me and I just kept on walking down the hallway. I was wiping my face and trying to breathe and calm down but I couldn't stop. Why am I crying? It's only the third day I've known him. Why do I fall for a guy I can never have? Even when I know he can't be mine.. Madie started to run after when Cameron came out of the room, "Kylie, wait!"
"What did you do?!" Shouted Madie yelling at him.
"I need to talk to her." He says walking down.
"No, you can't let me go talk to her and maybe she'll talk to you." She said running down the hallway towards me. I clicked the elevator button over and over waiting for it to open. It finally opened and it shut closed before Madie came. I went to the back of the elevator and slid down the wall. I curled up into a ball and tucked my head crying.

Cameron's P.O.V.
"What did you do?!" Shouted Madie.
"I need to talk to her." I said walking down the hallway.
"No, you can't let me go talk to her and maybe she'll talk to you." Madie said. She ran down the hallway but the elevator doors closed when she got there.
Madie slammed on the elevator door and started to head towards the stairs. I followed after her running down the stairs to the lobby. We made it right in time when the doors opened and Kylie walked out crying some more. "Kylie!" Madie yelled running over to me. She gave Kylie a hug and said "Don't worry, everything will turn out fine."
"No it won't, it won't Madie." Kylie said crying into her shoulder.
I just stood there like an idiot not knowing what to do.

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