Chapter 30: The Hardest Goodbye. (Part 2)

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I lay on Cameron's chest for a little while longer until I hear Jack downstairs yell for me.

"Kylie, we gotta go!"

"I don't want to leave now." I say to Cameron.

"You have to go." He says back to me.

"No." I say.

"Kylie, yes if you don't go you'll wish you had and it'll make you upset."

"No matter what choice I make I'll still be upset!" I say to him.

He just breathes heavy and sits up, as he sits up I sit up. I cling onto Cameron even tighter.

"You have to let go." He says with a light laugh.

I shake my head no.

"Alright you asked for it." He said he stands up as I'm still holding onto him like a baby monkey.

"No Cameron not again!" I squeal.

He walks down the stairs into the living room where everyone is. As we walked down the stairs I clinched onto him tighter so I wouldn't fall. We reach the bottom and I let go of him.

"Ready?" Jack asks me.

"Almost." I say.

I walk up to everyone hugging and saying things to them, first up is Madie.

"I'm going to miss you so so much! Have fun okay?!" She says hugging me tight.

"I'm gonna miss you too! And of course I will!" I say back to her.

"Kylie I'm gonna be sad when you're gone." Addy says giving me a hug.

"I'll miss you too." I say.

I walk up to Melanie and Lauren.

"I'm going to miss you guys!"

"We're going to miss you!" Lauren says.

I finally walk up to Kayla, Matt, Aaron and Nash along with Hayes.
I look at every each of them and run into their arms.

"Bye Kylie." Kayla says in the hug.

"I'll miss you." I say to her.

"And I'll miss you. I'll text you everyday okay?" She says with a laugh.

"Okay." I say.

"And you Hayes." I say pointing at him.

"You take care of my Madie, okay?"

"I sure will. Anything for you." He says with a smile.

"Come here." I say and he gives me a hug.

I step back so I can see everyone. I take a big deep breath in and saying, "You guys are the most amazing of friends, a girl like could ever ask for. And I'm just going to miss each and every one of you. I love you guys." I say.

We all get into one big group hug for a while. Jack comes up to me and says, "We better hit the road now." I nod in response.

"I'll walk you out." Cameron says to me. I smile at him and he takes my hand.

As we walked out there was a big tour bus in our driveway. It had a picture of Jack, Jack J, Karly, Shawn and I on it. It was amazing!
I turn around to see Shawn smiling .

"Did you do this?!" I say to him.

"Of course I did!" He says coming up to me.

"It's perfect!" I say to him.

Cameron then walks me to the bus and helps me put my suit case away.

"This is it." He says.

"Yeah.." I say not too happy.

"I'm going to miss you SO MUCH." He says to me.

I wanted to cry again but I can't. If I do I just won't end up going on this tour, it's an amazing opportunity! I stayed strong.

"And I'm going to miss you so much, time will go bye fast, I promise." I say to him.

"I hope so too." He says.

He looks into my eyes and I look into his not wanting to ever take my eyes off him. He leans in and kisses me, my last final kiss I'll have until I return. It meant so much more then any other kiss he has give me. I could feel his emotions, like they were speaking to me.

"I wanna tell you you're beautiful in a way you've never hear before. And I don't think it gonna work cause I'm not good with words." Cameron starts singing, Jack and Jack, Shawn come in to sing with him.

"You're the reason the earth spins and the stars hang in the sky. But I don't think it's gonna fly, cause I'm not good with words. If only I could find a way, to say it like the poets say, sing a sweet and simple serenade, directly into your heart. If only I could speak aloud, just what I want to feel when you're around, I'd finally confess my love in verses. But I'm not good with words."

They all finished off and brought me to tears, I gave each of them a hug and a thank you.

"And you are the best boyfriend I could ever ask for." I say to Cameron and kissing him again.

We pull apart and I say one last goodbye to everyone and wave out the bus tour window and I sit back done on the seat breathing in and out calmly.

"Are you ready?!" Jack asks me.

"I hope so!" I say to him and enjoy the ride.

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