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            Gyuri was asleep in her room a few days later. Goeun was sleeping too. A shadow fell over Gyuri. The guy smirked and sat on Gyuri's bed. "She does look cute when she's asleep" he whispered to himself. "But she'll be cuter when I send her to sleep forever"

"Hey" a hand landed on his shoulder. The guy turned to his side and smirked. "You know it's wrong to sneak into the girls' dormitory, right? Much less through the window"

"Look who's talking" the other male replied. "Let's talk at other place, shall we?" Daniel bowed a tad to the guy's ear. "Bae Jinyoung"

Daniel and the guy, Bae Jinyoung stepped on the rooftop of the faculty.

"Aish" Daniel flexed his neck. "I thought I warned you about coming out here" he narrowed his eyes at Jinyoung. Jinyoung chuckled. "And yet" Daniel continued. "You're here again despite my warning not to disturb Gyuri"

"Yah" Jinyoung chuckled. "You're not the only one who want to see our creator"

"Isn't it enough that you thrash my kingdom already? And now you want to mess up the whole story?" "Of course. You know how this 'greedy' thing work, General Kang. I will not stop unless I see you" he pointed to Daniel. "Die in front of me"

"Well that wish of yours" Daniel curled his hand into a fist. "You had to wish harder next time, Your Majesty"

Daniel threw a punch towards Jinyoung but he managed to dodge it. Jinyoung quickly upper cut him and Daniel doubled over. The two had a duel.

* * *

"Gyuri" Wonwoo came to join Gyuri at the library at their usual space. "Hey" Gyuri greeted him with a smile. He saw she was writing her story. "How is it going?"

"Great" she nodded. Wonwoo stared at her. "How are you?"

"Me?" she turned to him and nodded. "I'm okay. I'm so lucky to have many people around me to comfort me. Thank you, Wonwoo. For being with me while I was down"

"S-sure" he quickly busied himself to take out his things.

Gyuri smiled and turned to her laptop again. "Hey" she turned to him again. "You okay?"

"Yea. Why?"

She pointed to the black mask he was wearing to cover his mouth and nose.

"Oh, this" he chuckled. "I feel a bit under the weather. No worry"

"You meet the doctor?" "Don't need them. I have some med at home. I take them" "If you need someone to go the clinic with you, you can ring me" "Of course I will. But this is just a small matter. No worry"

Gyuri watched as he went to his books again. She too went back to her business.

"Hey" Wonwoo called her. "I forgot to tell you"

Gyuri turned to him.

"The other night, Daniel disappeared" he announced. "You mean?" "I don't know where he went. I just got out from the toilet that middle of night when I saw him sneaked out the house. But he did come back the next morning. So I thought maybe he just went to get some air" "He never tell you about it?" "No" "And you never ask him?" "Nope" "Then it must be that he doesn't want you to know his whereabouts" "But why?" "That..." she paused to think. "Is a great question"

"But I thought maybe I will ask about it when he bring out about that matter" "Yea you should that. He maybe just, you know, like you said. Need some fresh air"

The two was walking home. Wonwoo was coughing loudly. Gyuri turned to him. "You sure you okay?"

"Yup" from his eyes, she could see his smile. "I'll get better once I get some rest"

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