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*one month later*

                          my gamer <3

|come with me to work ?

of course :)|


"karl is picking me up again." i say to lex.

"hes being extra clingy." she smiles at me.

"oh stop." i said rolling my eyes playfully as i shake my head.

"you were just with him 3 hours ago." alexia says giggling.

"yeah but he wants me to go with him to work." i say.

"do video games really count as work ?" alexia jokes.

"hey- well i mean hes getting paid and having fun so yeah um- nevermind." i say sighing in a playful defeat.

as we were talking i was wondering if there was a reason lex didnt want me to leave. like if me always leaving her alone gets to her.

"hey um before karl gets here, what if i ask him if you could come with us ? maybe you could finally meet chandler." i suggest.

"really ? id love to go and meet him." alexia says smiling as her face lights up with joy.

i knew her coming with us would be alright since today they were just filming for the gaming channel.

                          my gamer <3

do you think jimmy would be okay with lex coming with us ?|

|he wouldnt mind she can come


"karl said you can come with us !" i exclaimed happily.

"oh my gos- okay ill just put on something better looking." alexia said scrambling to her feet walkinh to her closet.

i smiled knowing how happy she was to finally meet chandler. she would get along with him great so i was excited for them to meet. maybe the four of us could go to karls and watch movie or just talk and hang out.

*20 minutes later*

"karl just texted hes here, come on." i said getting up from my bed.

alexia stood up and followed me out the dorms. we walked across the streets to the 7eleven where karl was parked. as we crossed the street karl walked out of his car, hugged me, kissed my cheek, them said, "hey y/n, hi alexia how are you ?"

"im okay, and you." alexia asked as karl opened both the passenger door and the one behind it.

"im doing good." karl said as lex and i walked into the car and he shut the doors for us.

once karl got into the car, he grabbed my hand and held it as he drove. we talked a little about what we would do when they finish filming and we decided to bring chandler and lex with us to karls house and watch a movie.

love at first sight | karl x reader (female) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now