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my first date with karl went well which im very happy about. im really starting to like him. its been 2 days since i last seen him and i already miss him being with me. our next date is going to be tomorrow he told me he wanted to go to a park to watch the sunset.

"y/n." alexia said as she walked through the door.

"yeah ?" i questioned.

"i think this is for you." she says and hands me a balloon with my name on it.

"what the- theres a paper inside." i said smiling as i already knew who it was from.

"pop it." alexia said.

i took a picture of the balloon then popped it. a note fell out and before i read it i sent the picture of the balloon to karl with a question mark and a few seconds later all he responded with was ' :) ' i laughed then opened the note.

"do you like flowers? i hope so, go to where we first talked."

i showed alexia the note and she smiled and grabbed her keys.

"so we just go ?" i said confused but with a smile.

"well yeah come on." she said pulling me up and out the door.

i texted karl and asked what he was doing and yet again he responded with ' :) ' i smiled and put down my phone.

we walked through the mall and to bath and body works. there was no balloon inside so i figured it was in the break room so i walked in and there it was. a red balloon with my name on it. and a bouquet of roses on the table.

i popped the balloon and another note fell out it read, "how about chocolate? everyone likes chocolate. go to where we had our first unofficial date."

i smiled and took alexia by the hand and led her to the subway on the other side of the mall.

"are you in on this lex ?" i questioned as we left the store.

"just as confused as you." she said.

once we got to subway i seen a purple balloon with my name on it. i popped it and a new note fell out. it read, "what about a bracelet? everyone likes jewelry i hope you do, where did i pick you up on our first date again?"  as we were leaving a worker handed me a box of chocolates.

"we have to go to the 7eleven across the street from campus." i say to alexia smiling.

she smiled back and we walked back to her car. she drove us to the 7eleven and when we got there i seen a woman holding a balloon with a small bag in her hand. she seen me and handed me both things. i popped the balloon and the note that fell out said, "will you be my girlfriend?"

i laughed from excitement as i opened the bag and seen a box. a silver bracelet with the letter 'k' and a heart around it was in the box. i smiled bright and looked around to see if i could spot karl. i was looking down when i felt a tap on my shoulder. i turned around and seen karl standing there.

"so will you-" karl starts but i interrupt him.

"yes of course." i said and wrapped my arms around him.

"ohhhkaay" he said hugging me tighter.

when he let go he took the bracelet from my hand and as he was putting it on my wrist he said, "i know its only been a short time but i feel like ive known you for a lifetime."

"i know the feeling." i said as i looked up and my eyes met his.

"you do ?" he questions.

"i feel the same way." i said with a smile.

"im so happy you do." karl says.

"this bracelet- its beautiful thank you." i say.

he smiled then said, "im glad you like it."

alexia then walked over to us and gave me a hug, "you deserve happiness and im so glad he can give it to you."

"thank you lex." i said with the brightest smile.

karl then hugs me bye and tells me he cant wait for our first date as an offical couple tomorrow. alexia and i then get back in her car and we go back to our dorm.

as we walked into the room and sat down on our beds she said, "so does karl have any cute friends ?"

i laughed then said, "i know one is married, one has a girlfriend, but one is single."

she looked up at me with a look saying i was kidding but who?

"oh my- who ?" she said and walked over to sit on my bed.

"well his name is chandler and i think you two would get along great." i said to her.

"whats his twitter, instagram, facebook, anything ??" she questioned with an intrigued tone of voice.

i laughed then told her all about chandler and watched as her smile grew bigger and bigger.

A/N hi to everyone reading i hope you are all enjoying this book more chapters coming soon. remember to drink water :)

844 words

love at first sight | karl x reader (female) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now