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|hey y/n i know what we can do for our date is 6 okay ?

karl hi, yeah 6 is okay |

| alright its not too fancy so dress casual ill be there at 6 :)

casual it is and you're picking me up ? |

| would you rather come to me instead since i dont know where you live

ill send you my address later :) |

| :D can't wait

                                                                    :) |


it was almost 1:30pm when karl texted me so i knew i had plenty of time to pick out my best looking casual outfit. i thought about just wearing a loose navy blue long sleeve with some black legging, but also think thats too casual.

"lex." i called to alexia.

"yeah ?" she responded.

"i need advice on what to wear, karl texted and said the date wasnt too fancy and to dress casual so i thought about wearing my navy long sleeve, black legging, and either my converse or maybe those black boots i never wear." i said to her.

"whats wrong with that outfit ?" she questions.

"well i dont know is it too casual ?" i said.

"just wear it, im sure you will look great dont overthink it." alexia reassures me.

i nod then set my clothes down on my bed since it is still pretty early and i dont need to change yet. i open my laptop thinking i should probably make a twitch account so i can watch karls streams.

i made an account and followed karl. he wasnt streaming so i though about watching one of his past streams but decided to watch a mrbeast video he was in instead, then i would watch an old stream.

*2 hours later*

i was binge watching mrbeast and mrbeast gaming and have learned a lot about karls personality. he is such a sweet and genuine person. i also found out he lost a whole island to chandler.

it was now 4:03 and i decided to get ready for our date. i put on my clothes and did light makeup. there was still two whole hours before our date and i didnt know what to do i was so excited.

karljacobs is calling...

y/n: hello ?
karl: hey y/n i was wondering if you were ready for our date, i know its early but i want to see you.
y/n: oh im glad you asked, ill send you my address.
karl: ill be there.
y/n: see you soon.
karl: yes you will.

we ended the call and i send karl my address. i was so excited for him to pick me up but i was also starting to overthink. what if we didnt have anything to talk about ? what if he gets bored ? what if i get bored ? i get up and start pacing around my room with one hand over my forehead and one on my hip.

love at first sight | karl x reader (female) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now