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me and alexia got home from our day at work, i was personally excited to be home so karl could call me. i really enjoyed talking to him during my lunch break and maybe he will ask me on a real date soon.

"hes not calling." i said frowning to alexia.

"well maybe he doesnt know you're home, text him." alexia says.

"okay i- ill text him... what do i say." i question.

"just say 'hey' or uh 'hi' maybe." alexia tells me.

i nod and text karl.


hi karl

y/n hi, you're off work ?

yeah i am


*karljacobs calling...*

"hes calling me !" i say happily.

"well answer !" alexia responds.

i answer the phone and sit upright in my bed.

"um h- hi karl." i say nervously.

"hey y/n, how was the rest of your day ?" karl questions. 

"it was good, work was slow today so i didnt have much to do... oh i did have an elderly woman shout at me for not getting a candle fast enough which was odd but, i didnt mind it. the candle actually smelt really nice i think it was a peppermint scent but i cant remember what it was called-" i was explaining my day when i heard a light giggle from karl and i knew i was talking too much.

"sorry i dont know why im talking so much." i say and put my hand over my forehead embarrassed.

"its okay, i can listen to you talk all day." karl says.

"oh okay." i say smiling then say, "but how was your day ?"

"mine wasnt as eventful as yours but i did film a gaming video for mrbeast gaming today, it was fun but i accidentally made us lose and we had to get, *laughs* slimed but with syrup, i just finally got all the syrup out of my hair." karl says laughing and i join him.

"oh no thats-" i start to say but cant finish through the laughter i had.

"yeah i know, lets pretend it was chandler who made us lose." karl says laughing with me.

"yeah yeah lets do that." i say as my laughter finally fades away.

"i had a really good time today with you y/n." karl says in a sincere manner.

"me too, we should do it again sometime." i respond hinting at a real first date.

"yeah, um, would you- would you like to go on a date with me ? like a real date ? ill pick you up we go to a restaurant or what- whatever you'd like to do and we could talk and get to know each other better ?" karl asks stumbling over his words in nervousness.

"id love to, im free tomorrow night, but one condition." i say.

"which is ?" karl responds.

"i want it to be a surprise." i say

"a surprise it is." karl says.

"but let me know tomorrow how i should dress so im not over or under dressed." i say with a giggle.

"7 o'clock ?" karl questions.

"its a date." i say and alexia looks over to me and smiles, i smile back.

we talked for a while before we hung up so i could finish up an essay. while i was writing i told alexia all about the date i would go on with karl tomorrow, she was happy for me.

after an hour of writing i finally finished up my essay, i didnt know if i should text karl or not since it was 11pm so i just went to bed.

3rd person pov of karl

a young man pacing around the room in deep thought had his thoughts interrupted by a knock on his door. he walks over to the door and opens it to reveal a slightly older man with a car seat in his hands.

"chris, hey i need your help." karl says.

"whats up ?" chris says somewhat confused.

"me and y/n are going on our first date tomorrow and she wants it to be a surprise but i have no idea what to do." karl says in a rush.

"okay calm down, do something that you like so she can get to know you more." chris says with a smile as he took his baby out of the car seat.

"okay yeah um i can- we could- how about- uh, chris i still have no idea what to do." karl says as he sits down on his couch looking defeated.

"look you can invite her over for a movie and have a casual date or, you could take her out to a restaurant to have a more fancy date but, either way what matters is you two spend time together and being able to talk and get to know one another." chris says also taking a seat on the couch.

karl looks up at chris then smiles as my takes tucker in his arms. he nodded then sat back down on the couch with the baby in his arm. chris could tell he agreed with what he said and knew karl would take his advice.

3rd person pov of y/n

y/n was sat in her bed thinking about karl and their date. she wondered where they would go and what they would do before finally falling asleep with dreams of laughing along with karl.

A/N thank you to everyone reading this story, im trying very hard to update both of my books at even times. i will make sure to update every week even if its just once. also remember to drink water and eat enough food today and everyday :)

893 words

love at first sight | karl x reader (female) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now