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*buzz buzz buzz*

i reached over to turn my alarm off. today i had to work and i would be working a longer day.  it was 9am and i had to go in at 10, so i had an hour to get ready. i walked over to my closet, grabbed some pants, a light grey shirt, and a plain black zip up.

i took my things to the dorm restrooms to change and do my usual makeup. when i walked back to the room alexia was awake and ready to go. i pulled on my converse and we were out the door.

"its on 9:24 wanna get starbucks ?" alexia asked me while unlocking the car door.

"yeah sure." i said as i buckled my seatbelt.

we went to starbucks and i got a y/d (your drink) and alexia got a caramel frappuccino. we walked into the mall and went inside Bath and Body Works. no one was inside since alexia and i were supposed to open the store today.

we opened the store at 9:58 and started working. no one has came in yet so we just talked and stocked the shelves for a bit. people started to come into the store at 10:30, so alexia and i were helping them find things and checking out their items.

it was 11:26 when he walked into the store. he was here yesterday and hes back again i thought i was dreaming but he went around to the candles and i suddenly felt myself walking into the back room nervous.

i peered my head out the door and seen him talking to alexia at the counter but he didnt have any items with him. as i was looking at them alexia walked into the back room.

"hes looking for you." she said with a smirk on her face.

"what ? what do you mean ?" i asked confused.

"he asked me 'does anyone named y/n work here' and i said 'yes shes in the back room right now' and he asked to see you !" she said happily.

"oh my g- what do i do ? what do i do ?" i asked frantically.

"go out there talk to him." she said with a smile.

i nodded and walked out the door, i seem him standing on the other side of the counter and i asked,

"hi um im y/n can i help you with anything ?"

"yes please, so yesterday you suggested a candle for me and i really liked so i was wondering if you suggested any restaurants ?" karl said slightly nervous but confident.

"im more of a fastfood type of girl but if you count subway as a restaurant then thats a really good one." i say after laughing at first.

"okay okay subway is good, would you be willing to try that out with me tonight ?" he asked more confidently.

"oh like um like a date ?" i say twirling my fingers in my hands nervously.

"yeah exactly, yesterday when i came in i thought you were pretty so i came back to ask you on a date." karl said.

"well i do have my lunch break in 15 minutes." i say with a smile.

"ill wait here, im karl by the way." he said holding his hand out.

"im y/n nice to meet you." i say shaking his hand and we both laugh.

i walk back into the break room where alexia was.

"he just asked me on a date !" i exclaim to alexia.

"no way !" she said happily.

i told her all about the conversation we had and that if be going to subway on my break. i took my name tag off and placed it on a shelf then walked outside where karl was.

"hey we can go now." i say to karl who stands up.

"cool lets go." karl says walking next to me.

we started walking towards the subway that was on the other side of the mall.

"so who was the guy you were with yesterday ?" i asked to break the silence.

"oh um my friend chris." karl says.

"oh cool, and by the way this might sound silly but yesterday when i saw you, i thought you were cute.. and i was annoyed with myself for not getting your, anything." i say letting out a sigh of relief.

"you know whats crazy, me too, chris convinced me to come back to see if you were here." karl says looking at me.

"thank goodness for chris." i say lightly pushing his shoulder.

"yeah i owe him for that." karl says smiling.

we walk into the subway, order food, get drinks and chips, then walk to the a table nearby.

"so tell em about yourself." i say drinking my soda.

"well i um okay dont laugh but i stream on twitch playing minecraft." karl says while rubbing his neck from embarrassment.

"thats so cool, i used to play minecraft so so much but college makes it difficult, at least its my last semester." i say and take a bite of my food.

"oh well when you're free we could play sometime." karl says with the biggest smile.

"that would be so fun, also ill be sure to watch your streams sometimes." i say with a smirk.

"well its karljacobs i hope to see you there, you could also watch me play minecraft on mrbeastgaming." karl says laughing.

"you- woah you're on the mrbeast channel you're not like famous are you ?" i say jokingly.

"just a tad." karl jokes back.

we had already finished our food but were still at the subway talking to each other. when he asked who the girl was he talked to earlier.

"oh thats alexia shes my bestfriend we share a dorm together." i say while standing up to leave.

"hm well im glad she didnt tell me to just leave." karl laughs.

"me too." i say also laughing.

"well heres my number, i liked this little date we had i hope we can do it again." i say as karl hands me his phone to type it in.

"thanks, ill call you." karl says as we approached Bath and Body Works.

"looking forward to it." i say and walk inside as he walked the other direction.

i walked to the back room to grab my name tag and i walked out into the store.

"it went so well alexia, apparently hes like famous or something because hes a twitch streamer and does videos with mrbeast !" i say excitedly.

"woah thats cool, did you give him your number ? are you going out again ? is he gonna call you ? does he like you ?" alexia interrogates.

"yes, hopefully,  yes, hopefully." i answer.

"im so happy for you." alexia says pulling me into a hug.

"me too hes so nice and sweet i think i might really like him." i say pulling out of the hug.

we talked for a while then continued on with our work day. we had 3 more hours to work before heading home. i was so excited to finally get home and wait for karl to call or text me.

A/N hi everyone ahh im so excited for this book and i hope everyone likes it. i would appreciate it greatly if people voted on this book :)

1194 words

love at first sight | karl x reader (female) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now