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"adrian !?" i gasped.

"y/n whos this ?" karl questioned as he pulled away a bit to stand in front of me.

i was at a loss for words how was i going to explain "oh yeah thats my ex boyfriend who verbally and sometimes physically abused me for 2 years till i found out he was cheating on me for a year and dumped me." i couldn't say that.

"im her boyfriend who the fuck are you and why are you touching her ?" adrian yelled.

"stop it, you know you're not adrian what do you want." i finally said after a long moment of silence.

"how about you just walk away." karl said now standing completely in front of me.

"who do you think you are talking to me like that ?" adrian scoffed.

"her boyfriend, come on y/n let's go home." karl said seemingly mad putting emphasis on home.

"oh you think you're big and bad huh." adrian challenged.

"adrian stop, yeah karl let's leave." i said my voice shaky.

"where do you think youre going." adrian said as he grabbed my wrist.

"ow- let me go !!" i whined.

"let. her. go." karl said.

"y/n ?!" i heard alexia yell.

"whats going on." chandler said.

adrian let go of me out of shock when other people appeared. i immediately grabbed ahold on karl who wrapped his arms around me protectively.

"oh lex uh." adrian stuttered.

"who do you think you are even speaking to me ?! you know what you did, you have no right to talk to me or to y/n after what you did to her !" alexia yelled with authority in her voice.

"yeah yeah so we had a few mishaps so what." adrian shrugged.

"mishaps huh, you abused her for 2 fucking years ! and you cheated on her with multiple people, just fucking leave !" alexia screamed.

i gasped at what she said i didn't expect it, the boys also gasped and karl held me tighter.

adrian huffed and walked away i guess he couldn't handle the truth.

"y/n.. is that true ?" karl asked.

i nodded my head unable to form words. karl didnt push it and just asked alexia and chandler why they were here.

"oh um i was taking alexia home from our date." chandler said scratching the back of his neck.

"its almost 1am." karl let out a small laugh.

"can- can we go home." i said to karl.

"yeah lets go, you guys could come over too and sleep over since is late." karl suggested.

"yeah okay." alexia said.

"we'll just follow you in my car." chandler said.

*1 hour later*

chandler and alexia were in the livingroom i could hear movies playing. me and karl were in his room laying down.

"do you want to talk about it ?" karl asked politely.

i nodded then sat up a bit letting out a sigh.

"so um in highschool me and adrian met, we didn't start dating till our first year of college." i said.

"we both liked each other all through highschool but we never acted on it until we found out we were going to the same college."

"it was nice for the first 5 months eveything was great, then he started to get um abusive mentally and physically, i thought he was just playing at first when he would hit me but then it got more serious."

"when i started getting bruises i knew something was wrong but um i was too in love with him to make any changes. i never fought back."

"one time when lex came over to ou- his apartment and seen my bruises she asked me about it and of course i said nothing. that made him change from physical to mental abuse. he would yell at me and make me feel worthless."

"but i still never left him i took the abuse because i loved him. it went on like that for a year, it only got better when he would come home late and now i know why he was late. he was cheating on me with so many different girls. that went on for a year."

"things didnt end until i went to his apartment one day and seen him in bed with another girl. once he seen me there he dumped me, and told
me he never loved me. after that i went to lex, ive been living with her in her dorm ever since. and i guess thats it."

i sighed a breath of relief only me and lex knew what happened. and now karl does too but, i trust him.

"im so sorry y/n, you didn't deserve that." karl said pulling me into a hug.

"at least i have you now." i said with a small smile and a tear rolling down my face.

"and you'll never ever have to go through that again." karl said.

as he pulled out of the hug he whispered, "i promise" then he kissed me.

i smiled then kissed him again.

after that i got up to change as did he and then we went to bed. his arm around me and my hand in his.

it was comfortable, i well i loved him. but it was too early to tell him that. yet.

A/N okay here's part 2 of that cliffhanger sorry its so short but here we are i hope you enjoyed and remember you're perfect always.

844 words

love at first sight | karl x reader (female) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now