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i was laying down on my bed whem alexia walked through the door with two bags of McDonald's.

"oh my go- i love you alexia i was starving." i say getting up from my bed.

"look what else i got." alexia says nodding to her purse.

"hm lets see you got- A CANDLE." i say jumping up and down with a smile on my face.

i looked at the candle and it read "warm cinnamon" and smiled again. cinnamon was my favorite candle scent, i walked over to my desk and placed the candle down.

"thank you so very much alexia." i say grabbing my food and sitting down on my bed.

"you're welcome y/n, also guess what there's a job opening so you can apply to work with me." alexia informs me taking a bite of her hamburger.

"ah finally ive been waiting for a job opening at bath and body works for so long now, ill fill out an application, hopefully i get the job." i say relied to finally get a job.

alexia nods and we continue to eat our food. i put on an episode of 'Stranger Things' since it was our favorite show to watch with each other. after a couple minutes of eating i finished my food and went to the bath and body works website to fill an application.

i finish the application and the screen says i will get an email back sometime tomorrow. i really hope to get the job.

after watching a few episodes of stranger things i decided to take a shower then go to sleep.

*the next day*

9:36 am

i woke up to my phone buzzing, i opened it and it was an email from Bath and Body Works, i got the job.

"alexia alexia, i got it, i got the job !" i exclaim waking my best friend up.

"oh my gosh really when do you start ?!" she exclaimed while getting up.

i went to read the email again, "oh my- I START TODAY, I HAVE TO GET READY !" i say panicked.

i go straight to my closet to see what i could possibly wear to my first day. i pull out a pair of mom jeans, a while collared tee, and a black pull over sweatshirt. i also get my black converse and walked to dorm restroom to change and out on light makeup.

i changed, out on mascara and a little eyeliner then walked back to my room.

"i work today so i can take you." alexia says as i walk back into the room.

"okay, i have to be there at 11 and its 10:30 so can we leave now ?" i say and alexia nods and gets up.

we get to the mall and walk into the store. i see the manager and get shown around the store. i would be working today and my job today was to ask people if they needed help.

*1 hour later*

i have 2 hours left working since its my first day. ive helped many people and did a few register exchanges. there was no one in store except two guys who just walked in, i walked over to help them.

"hi, do you two need help finding anything ?" i say.

"uh i dont think so." the man with facial hair said.

"actually what candle do you suggest i get ?" the other man said.

i looked down and laughed out of nervousness since i hadn't gotten that question today.

"i suggest 'warm cinnamon' its my favorite." i say.

"okay ill get that one." the man says.

i nod and show them to where the candle was. they said that was all they needed help with and they went to look for more candles. i walked over to the register and seen alexia.

"dude that guy over there is really cute and asked me what candle he should get." i say smiling.

"which one ?" alexia asks looking towards the candles.

"the one right there hes the one without facial hair." i say point to the man i was talking about.

the two men were walking up the counter and i waited to check out their things.

"hi did you find everything okay ?" i asked as i started scanning the items.

"yes thank you, ill pay karl." the man with facial hair said.

"no its okay chris ill pay for my things." the other man said.

"would you like to pay separate ?" i say looking at who i now know was karl.

"uh yeah sure." karl said.

i finished checking out their things and went to the break room where alexia was.

"his name is karl." i say sitting on the table where she was at.

"whos karl ?" she asks.

"the guy who i said was cute." i say.

"oh well did you ask for his number, snap, instagram, anything ?" alexia interrogates. 

"no oh my gosh why did i, im so dumb." i say hitting my hand to my forehead.

alexia laughs and shakes her head, we talked for a couple more minutes then i went back outside to finish my shift. after it was over i went back to the breakroom and waited for alexias shift to be over.

when it was over we went back to the dorms and i plopped down on my bed frustrated for not getting karls anything. i took off my makeup, changed into pajamas, and went to sleep.

A/N hey to everyone reading i hope you like this karl x reader story im writing, please vote for this story and leave comments letting me know how it is thank you!

909 words

love at first sight | karl x reader (female) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now