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"WHAT?!" the boys in discord exclaimed after i spoke.

"her name is y/n." karl spoke with a smile.

"nice to meet you all." i said also smiling.

"you too!" dream was the first to speak.

"karl when did this happen ?" sapnap questioned.

i assumed quackity and george didnt believe us since they weren't speaking.

"um a month and a half ago." karl explained as he joined the dream smp server.

i heard gasps then i laughed knowing they most likely didnt believe us. karl understood why i was laughing and also started to giggle.

"okay okay here y/n you can play." karl says and gets up so i can sit where he was sitting.

"oh okay." i smiled and took his seat.

"well y/n considering you two aren't lying hello, nice to meet you." george said finally.

"you too *looks at karl* it's um- go gey isnt it ?" i said turning to look at the screen again laughing, knowing i said it wrong on purpose.

"its gogy." dream corrected bursting into laughter.

"she knows she was just kidding." karl said giggling.

"so y/n are you a streamer ?" quackity asked.

"no im not, i uh- im in college actually." i said as i made karls character jump around.

"wait really ? how did you guys meet then ?" sapnap questioned.

"uh-" karl and i both said but i told him to tell them.

as karl was telling them about how i suggested candles to him, and how chris told him to come back and talk to me, i decided to see who else was on the server. and only a few people were on karl (obviously), dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, quackity, tubbo, and tommyinnit.

i smiled as i looked over and seen karl blushing as the boys were telling him he should've just talked to me when he first seen me and not just to ask for candles.

"y/n did you notice him at all that first day or was he just another customer ?" dream asked me.

"yeah." sapnap agreed.

i smiled then said, "i did actually. after work that day i was telling my friend all about him and, she actually told me i should've said something to him too."

"wow thats so crazy that you guys thought the same thing." dream said.

"definitely canon." george said.

i glanced at karl then said "canon?"

i heard laughing come from the boys including karl at my confusion. they laughed for a long time before quackity said "nothing." then continued to laugh.

"okay." i dragged out the word confused.

"anyways y/n what do you want to do ?" george asked.

"uh i dont know we can build something or um." i said unsure on what to do.

"y/n go kill tommy." sapnap said through laughter.

"no no tubbo." quackity said also laughing.

"who are they ?" i asked.

"the children of the server." george said.

"oh uh where are they." i asked slightly excited to see if i remember how to pvp good.

love at first sight | karl x reader (female) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now