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i felt an arm around me as i started to wake up, it was karl. i dont remember when we fell asleep but i guess we did, OH NO.

i quickly moved out of karls grasp, i forgot i had finals on monday and i have only 2 days to study. as i moved off the couch i once again sat where my textbooks were and i started to study again.

i looked behind me and karl was still sleeping, he was adorable. but i had to focus on my work. studying for my advanced chemistry class wasn't hard considering i enjoyed that class, my calculus class was hard, theres always too much going on to keep up with.

of course technology was the easiest since i knew what i was doing and it was my favorite class. it was only 9:13pm so i had plenty of time before i had to go to sleep.

"y/n.." karl said as he was waking up.

"its okay you can go back to sleep im just studying." i said without looking back to him.

"oh no i forgot, i should've woken you back up." karl said as he got up and sat next to me.

its okay really." i said looking at karl with a soft smile.

he nodded and continued to sit with me. he watched me study but, was on his phone to not interrupt. i was humming songs as i studied which made him smile.

"ill be in the room the boys are calling." karl said as he kissed me on the cheek and left.

"okay have fun." i smiled as he walked away.

3rd person pov

the boys were waiting for karl to join the discord. he assumed they wanted to talk about y/n.

"BOYS!" karl said joining the call.

"karl!" george said.

"hello." dream said.

"KARLOS!" quackity said.

"karl hi." sapnap said.

"hello." karl said giggling.

the 5 of them talked for a while before quackity brought up y/n.

"so wheres y/nn ?" quackity teased.

"shes studying." karl said lightly blushing.

"oh right shes in college." sapnap said.

"wait its already time for finals ? its barely january." dream said confused.

"she wants to graduate early so shes taking finals sooner." karl explained.

"oh thats smart." george said.

"isn't it late why didnt she go home ?" sapnap asked being extra nosy.

"oh uh- she- shes staying the night for the first time tonight." karl said nervously.

"ooOooOoohh." all the boys said.

"stop, shut up." karl said giggling still nervous.

they continued to talk for a while about anything that came to mind, karl told them what y/n thought about them all, dream mentioned maybe doing a jackbox stream, and so much more came up.

y/n pov


"uh maybe ill take a break here, i covered everything so im fine now." i thought to myself.

as i put all my things away i texted karl to tell him im done studying so i dont interrupt him while he's talking to "the boys".

my gamer <3

                     |hey, im done studying now

oh okay come here|


after karl told me to come to his room i walked over there. when i walked in he was still in the call but, it sounded like he was about to leave the call.

"wait wait, y/n the boys want to say bye to you." karl said smiling.

"oh okay." i said walking over to him.

i put the headphones on and flinched when i heard "bye" being shouted at me. i laughed then yelled "bye" loudly into the mic.

"oohhkaay." karl said laughing at what i did.

i handed him back the headphones and he said his goodbyes to them. then he asked me what i wanted to do for the rest of the night.

"how about movie night, or- or we can go to the 7eleven at midnight and dance in the parking lot like in movies, or we can just cuddle on the couch again, or we can-" i said fast but was cut off by karl putting his hand over my mouth laughing.

"we can cuddle while watching a movie till midnight then we go to 7eleven." karl suggested. i nodded.

and thats exactly what we did, we watched cartoons actually till 12. mostly adventure time, then at midnight we left to the 7eleven and what seemed like the best thing to happen happened, it started raining.

now it was just like the movies.

we were halfway there when one of my favorite songs came on "complicated by olivia o'brien". i smiled then sang along to the music while dramatically moving my hands.

"why'd you have to go and make things so complicated, i see the way your acting like you're somebody else makes me frustrated." i sang with my whole heart.

karl smiled at me then sang with me. moments later we reached the 7eleven.

"come on." karl said happily as he opened my door.

"ah it's raining now it's just like the movies!" i exclaimed.

"dance with me." karl said as he took my hand in his and started spinning me around.

we danced and danced, singing to the music coming from the car. it was perfect, he was perfect. we laughed as karl almost dropped me while he was spinning me.

"y- y/n ?" a mans voice said stopping our laughing.

i turned and my heart dropped when i seen my ex boyfriend.

"adrian ?!" i gasped.

A/N thank you for all the reads and i apologize for the cliffhanger, again, wow i must love those.

919 words

love at first sight | karl x reader (female) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now