Chapter fifteen

233 17 5


꒰ august 11,2019 ꒱

Jaehyuk's POV

Ah finally it's sembreak already

Jeongwoo:Hyung let's call Asahi-hyung and his friends so that we can plan about the camping did you already find a place?

Me:Yah,I researched with Asahi and I already reserved it for 3 days we will go this wednesday ok

Mashiho:Return now to your home Jae we'll pack here first

Me:Just pack after that let's go to dinner with Asahi and his friends

Junkyu:Great!come on woo help me

Jeongwoo:-Hyung-ah your a grown up already pack your things by yourself huh

Mashiho:Aish I'll help you Kyu well suit yourself here at the dorm Jae

I just nodded,since I have nothing to do I'll just call Asahi

calling Asahi*


Me:let's gather later for the camp this wednesday,call your friends ok


Me:Should we go there in your apartment?

Asahi:Yea sure,i'll just call the boys bye

call ended*

Me:Are you guys done?

Jeongwoo:I'm getting lazy i'll just fix this later let's go now to Asahi hyung

Me:Ok then if you say so let's go


Jeongwoo:Asahi's apartment is kinda far from the bus stop aigoo it tireds me

Me:We're almost there,oh we're here

We heard loud laughs so it seems Asahi's friends are already here too

Junkyu:Oh that one people laugh so loud LMAO

Mashiho:Like you duh

Junkyu:Yeah yeah whatever *knocks at the door*

*door opens*

Jihoon:Oh the pretty guys are here!hello guys!

Me:Hello woah you guys in this small apartment is really many

Hyunsuk:Yea lmao,come on you sit here guys.

Haruto:So why are we gathering here?

Asahi:We'll just plan on who will sleep together in the tent but first who will bring the tents?

Doyoung:I'll bring

Mashiho:Me too

Junkyu:Oh I thought you don't have?

Mashiho:I have a stock at my house

Hyunsuk:I'll bring one too

Asahi:Ok so in one tent there will be four guys and in the two tents there will be three guys so who wants to be sleep mates

Junkyu:Automatically me Mashi and Jeongwoo will be sleepmates

Me:HEy don't forget me!

Jeongwoo:You'll sleep with your lover Asahi-hyung!AYIEE

Me:You're so childish 

Asahi:Psh,I'll sleep with Jaehyuk

Jihoon:YAhoo!You guys we have a winner!

Asahi:Shut up also Yedam will sleep with us

Jihoon:Oh no uh Hyunsuk's tent is very big the 5 of us will fit there right guys?*winks*right Junghwan?!

Junghwan:Uh yes hyung.


Hyunsuk:We'll stick with the plan ok Jihoon

Jihoon:Yeah whatever Asahi is just shy to be with Jaehyuk wohoo!

Me:Ok so it's all set i'll just borrow my uncle's van but uhm who will drive?

Mashiho:I can

Junkyu:You?!HAHA you can't reach the pedal LMAO


Yedam:I'll drive

Jihoon:Woah I didn't know you can drive Yedamie,Doyoung-ah talk a little bit is your mouth zippered?

Doyoung:Oh I dont know what to say

Haruto:We'll just sleep over here at Hyung's apartment until the camping day so no one will be too early and too late

Hyunsuk:I agree 

Jihoon:Well ofcourse our bride and groom will sleep in the bed!HAHA

Hyunsuk:Stop teasing them lol

Me:Uh i'll sleep here in the living room instead

Asahi:Lol don't let their tease let into you psh

Me:Ok,it's getting dark should I order some pizza?

Junghwan:Can we order donuts too hyung?

Me:Uh sure i'll order

Jihoon:Asahi let me borrow some pillows for us to sleep with

Asahi:it's in the cabinet

Me:Are we really sleeping together?

Oh gosh why did my mouth say that

Asahi:*raised his eyebrows*What do you think lol

the hell we've been sleeping together like bros why does it feels different today,ugh maybe because the boys are in here

Jeongwoo's POV

Me:Hyung-ah can we order some chicken too?

Jaehyuk:Ok but your treat

Me:Uh nevermind I dont want a loss in my allowance

Haruto:Want some soda?

Me:Oh haruto-yah!Sure is there cola?

Haruto:Uh yeah i'll get it in a sec

Mashiho:Woah when did you to get so close

Me:I dont know lmao 



Haruto:Here is for you too Hyung

Mashiho:Oh thank you

Me:Why are you standing like a tree come sit here lol

Haruto:Oh ok

Me:You have looks huh i bet many girls likes you!

Haruto:Oh not really thanks you too

I didn't get that but I guess it means I have looks too?

Me:Well thanks I guess

Why is my eyes stuck in his eyes gosh his eyes are sparkling,i'm kinda addicted to it.





[Hello guys I hope you like my chapter fifteen again i'm sorry for updating so late and sorry for the typos and wrong grammars,stay safe and be healthy kamsa<3]

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