Chapter twenty-six

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september 6,2019

Jaehyuk's POV

It's friday right now and I decided not to study ofcourse because my braincells literally would pop yesterday lmao.

I have nothing to do and the first person that comes in my mind to hang out with is Asahi,is he available right now?

*calling Asahi*

Me:Asahi-yahh what are you doing?
Asahi:Uh lying down in the sofa
Me:Ok,i'll go there!

*call ended*

I took a shower and went off to Asahi's place.

We hangout and got outside ofcourse to buy somethings then I went home.

september 7,2019

Time really flies fast,today is our examination and I hope i'll past every subject aigoo.

Jeongwoo:Hyung-ah I think I can't do this maybe should I drop out?

Junkyu:*taps Jeongwoo's head*what the heck are you thinking lol your subjects are easier than us

Mashiho:Yeah,exam starts in 30 minutes,should we eat first?oh Junghwan-ah!

Junghwan:Oh hyung-ah

Me:Why are you alone?where are they?

Junghwan:Oh I dont know I just got here cause i'm hungry

Jeongwoo:Good timing!i'm hungry too let's get some foods

Jeongwoo tooks Junghwan and we three are left here,I said goodbye to prepare for the exams and got to the classroom.

Me:Hoo I hope the exam won't be too much difficult*I whisper to myself*

As I enter the classroom ofcourse I saw them reviewing but the others were having fun and Asahi,oh right were in the same class

Me:Asahi-yah!what are you doing?

Asahi:Oh,I'm reviewing obviously

I sat beside him and continue to review with him.


Me:*stretches* ahh the exam is already done aigoo my back hurts,what are you looking at?

Asahi:You look cute

My cheeks turned hot for a second there


Me:Jeongwoo-yah why are you in our classroom?

Jeongwoo:Ofcourse to pick you up and Asahi hyung,Hyunsuk hyung invited us to his house for dinner!!wahh im excited

Asahi:Oh really?sounds great,let's go


We were now at Hyunsuk's house.Woahh his house is enormous and fancy.

Hyunsuk:Feel at home guys i'll just help in the kitchen

Junghwan:Woahh hyung-ah your house is so luxury

Yedam:I agree

We were now sitting at the dining table and I cant still get over with hyung's house if we were be able to sleepover i'll choose this place aigoo


Food is ready and we decided to pray first then get some food.

I was trying to reach the beef but it was far away.

Asahi:*looks at me while eating*need anything?

Me:Uh yeah can you reach me the beef 😅

Asahi smiles a little,what's wrong with this guy he's acting cute out of nowhere.Aish what am I saying

He reached for the beef and I thanked him then we proceed to eat.


Hyunsuk:So since everyone is done eating suggest some things we can do

Jeongwoo:Let's play hide and seek

Junkyu:Are we kids or what

Me:Yeah it's fine for me sounds fun having hide and seek in this house

Hyunsuk:Ok let's do it!rock paper scissors,loser will find

In the end Asahi was the one who will find us.

I hid on the big curtain and didn't move as much as posibble so that He can't recognize me.

The curtain was dusty aigoo my nose is itchy


Oh shoot I made a loud noise.

Few seconds later the curtain opened up and Asahi was on my front.

Asahi:Found yah

Me:*smiles*aigoo this sneeze is really interrupting

We both chuckled and I helped him to find the others.
[hello guys!hope you like this chapter.Thank you for being patient with me:(ily all so much.Sorry for updating so late because I just finished my exams,sorry also for the typos and wrong grammars.Be healthy and stay safe!Thank you!!

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