Chapter twenty-five

190 11 4

august 25,2019

Jaehyuk's POV

Nothing happened after we guys hang out for the last few days,tommorow is back to school again argh I wanna go back and have sa sembreak huhu.

I planned to just relax today since I have nothing to do today ofcourse.Mashiho,Jeongwoo,and Junkyu were resting also at the dorm so I couldn't hang out with them unless I go to their dorm.

september 5,2019

It's been a month and right now.Me,Mashiho,Junkyu,and Jeongwoo was just studying in their dorm for the 1st semi finals next week.

Jeongwoo:Hyung-ah let's have a break please i'm hungry *fake cries*

Mashiho:You literally just study for five minutes~_~

Junkyu:You know he wont stop complaining until he eats lmao

Me:I'm kinda hungry too,let's grab some food at the school canteen?

Mashiho:Isn't the school canteen close since it's holiday?

Me:Maybe,but the seniors were doing their midterm already so I guess it's open.

Jeongwoo:Ok so now can we grab some food?

Mashiho:Aigoo this kid yeah yeah let's go


We were at the canteen now I already picked my food while they are still choosing.

I informed them that I would go to the my classroom first because I will check if I left some activity papers there.

As I was about to go Asahi suddenly popped out of nowhere.

Me:AH SHI-!Aigoo why are you appearing suddenly

Asahi:I was about to get my books.

Me:Ooh how are you and the boys?we are eating at the canteen wanna join?

Asahi:Yeah I'm with Yedam and Doyoung they are already with Mashiho Jeongwo and Kyu

Me:Oh alright well then let's go.

I was walking towards but Asahi just remained frozed there.

Me:Are you alright?let's go

I grabbed his wrist and we got to the canteen.

Asahi's POV

We were about to go to the canteen but something really just makes me flatter.Jaehyuk was wearing a turtle neck with a coat which really makes him kore attractive I dont know he is really pretty.What the hell am I saying anyways.


We got to the canteen and Jaehyuk is still holding my wrist.

Jeongwoo:Ooh did we missed something?

Jaehyuk:What are you saying

He slowly looks into his hand holding my wrist and he slowly tooks it off while getting red while me uh I w-was...nevermind.

Yedam:Any plans today guys?I'm board

Junkyu:Yah we have semi finals next week aren't we going to study

Yedam:I already stayed up all night for that

Jeongwoo:Oh really hyung?!can you tutor me*with puppy eyes*

Yedam:If you say so I guess uh you can now stop holding my hand lmao

Jeongwoo is still teasing yedam by holding his hands like lovely dovely aish it cringes lol

Haruto:Oh hyung-ah why didn't you invited me

Doyoung-Haruto-yah I thought you and your fam are having lunch together?

Haruto:I suddenly felt a bad thing and my instinct said to come here lmao jk

Haruto stared at Jeongwoo's hands still holding Yedam,is he gonna kill someone?

I saw Jeongwoo suddenly stares and Haruto's eyes getting kinda scared,something's going on between this two.

Jeongwoo:U-uh I guess we should study together at the library?yeah I think so let's go

Mashiho:You just answered your question-_-anyways let's go

We fixed the plates that we used and proceed to the library.


We were now at the library finding a comfortable seat,they didn't bring their books except for me since it's in my locker to they have to borrow a free one from the library.

Jaehyuk was about to stand up but I put his shoulders down.

Me:We'll share.

I lend him my book and we read together.


Me and Jae were reading,Haruto and Jeongwoo were also reading while the others were finding some books.

I got distracted and looked at Jae,how can he literally be perfect?

Jae looked back and we stared for seconds,oh gosh why am I heating.We stopped staring once Yedam and the others got back in.

I was shocked by Jae's movement because he suddenly held my hair

Jaehyuk:May I ask what shampoo are you using?it's really soft,cute.

And then he patted my hair,what the-my ears are getting hot to.I just let him play my hair since I have nothing to do,he looks like a child.Cute.

I saw Haruto leaned on Jeongwoo's shoulders,hmm this two are suspicious.

I looked at Mashi,Kyu,Dobby,and Yedam and they were all looking at Us?

Junkyu and Mashi:So we have two lovely dovely here huh.


Mashiho:So childish.

Junkyu pouted while Doyoung and Yedam stayed quiet.

Jeongwoo:What are you talking about hyungs.*stands up*Let's go I'm kinda sleeping

I laughed a little cause Haruto was leaning on Jeongwoo's shoulders and he almost bumped lmao

Yedam:Ok then let's go

We got up and gone to our places.
[hello guys!it's been a long time,I'm sorry again for updating so late huhu and sorry to if you encounter wrong grammars and typos.I hope you liked my chapter 25.Stay safe and be healthy!thank you<3]

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