Chapter eight

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꒰ august 5,2019 ꒱

Jaehyuk's POV

It's Asahi and Yedam.

Yedam:Jaehyuk-ah!omo your here too,who are you with?

Me:Oh i'm with my friends,by the way what are you doing here?

Yedam:Oh just hanging out since class is delayed,you wanna go with us?we can bring your friends.

Me:Sure!I'll just call them.

When I was walking away Asahi was just in a poker face,as usual.

Me:Yow guys I saw Asahi ang Yedam,finish eating so we can hang out with them.

Jeongwoo:Oooh your boyfriend is there!

Me:Shut up I said we're just friends

Junkyu:Just let them sit here first so that they would not be standing there.

I go back to them and let them sit so that their legs would not get numb.

Jeongwoo:Oh hey!Yedam?


Jeongwoo:And hello too!Jaehyuk's boyfriend

Me:You better stop or you'll be dead.


Junkyu ang Mashiho:WAIT!

Me:I'm sorry my friends are really uhm something.

Asahi giggles which made me shock at the same time I smirked,then our eyes met and I blushed then looked away.

Jeongwoo:Mind if we took Yedam first Asahi hyung?Jaehyuk will stay here with you.

Me:What!we'll hangout together!

Junkyu:So you don't like to hang out with Asahi?


Junkyu:Ok then  Mashi come with us now

Junkyu and Jeongwoo high fived and I just shaked my head I know these two thinks I have a crush on Asahi BUT NO I DONT or maybe..UGH NO MY GOSH

Me:Uhm let's go?

Asahi smiled lightly which made me blushed.

Asahi:Yeah,I'll take you somewhere.

Asahi grabbed my wrist which made me shock and we got out of the mall ang took a cab.

Me:Uhm how about them?

Asahi:I'll just text Yedam.

Jaehyuk:Oh ok 

Asahi:The ride was a bit long can lie to me if you're sleepy.

I looked to him and I blushed,I had no choice i'm sleepy so I lie into his shoulders and I can feel him smirking,nevermind I just closed my eyes and rest


Asahi patted my head and I woked up

Asahi:Hey wake up we're here.

I rubbed my eyes and I saw a wonderful view from the cab.Asahi paid the cab and we got out of it

Jaehyuk:You really know wonderful places huh *and I roomed aroud my eyes*

Asahi:Yah this is one of the most places that I liked uhm you we're the first I took here.

I blushed and looked into him and our eyes met.

Asahi:Uhm should we sit down?

I nodded my head and we sat down in the grass and mezmerized the view,why does my cheeks feel hot.

Asahi was just mezmerizing the view while having that little smile on his face,I smiled a little,he's cute.

Asahi:You know what,I'm greatful to know you.I finally have a buddy to be really attached.

I was shocked hearing him saying this,cause it's my first time seeing him like this.

Asahi:You must be really shocked to see me like this right?

Me:Uhm not really

My cheeks felt hot,he patted my head which made me blushed harder

Asahi:Oh are you alright?you looked uncomfy.I'm sorry.

Me:Uhm NO!I uhm fine.

He smiled while looking down.

Jaehyuk:May I ask?

Asahi:Yea,what is it?

Me:Why are you suddenly like this?


He comes closer to me which really made me shock and panic.He tapped my head and

Asahi:What do you mean i'm always like this*he whispered in my ears*

Then he looked again in the view like nothing happened while me remaining schocked on what just happened.





[Hi guys,how are y'all?I'm sorry for the very long update cause i've been really busy with studies but i'll update as soon as possible:)sorry for the typos and wrong grammar,once again stay safe and Godbless<3][lmao this is so cringey im sorry.]

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