Chapter nineteen

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꒰ august 15,2019 ꒱

Asahi's POV

I woke up a little bit early because it's cold everyone was sleeping.Since I have nothing to do and it only 4am I should take a walk first.

After a little walk i got back to the area cause the sun was about to rise.

Me:Oh your early

Jaehyuk:Uh yeah the cold just woke me up,let's have a warm choco?

Me:Oh sure i'll just get the packs

Jaehyuk:What should we do today

Me:It's up to them

Jaehyuk:Oh Haruto you are up

Haruto:Yeah it's cold

Jeongwoo:Hoo so cold

Haruto:I'll just get a blanket


Hours have passed and all the guys are already up.

Jihoon:What should we do first hmm,let's go hiking?

Hyunsuk:I'll go with that

Jihoon:Ok!let's prepare now

Jaehyuk:Can you handle it?it's kinda tiring

Me:What?I'm not that weak lol

Jaehyuk:Oh never mind

-few hours later-

Me:Jae-yah!wait for me ugh my legs I cant feel it can we go back now?

Jaehyuk:We aren't even have way there!aigoo,come now they are already far from us

Me:I shouldn't have been in this hiking


Jeongwoo:Ahh that's tiring,Haruto can you reach that water bottle please

Mashiho:I'm gonna faint aigoo

Junkyu:I want to have swimming now

Mashiho:let's go the beach!

Junkyu:Oh great idea!

Hyunsuk:The food is ready!you guys,sit already

Jihoon:Oh thanks hubby*teasing hyunsuk*

Hyunsuk:Oh stop

Doyoung:Can you pass me the lettuce please

Yedam:Oh here

Jaehyuk:I'll get some water,you want one?

Me:Oh yes please


Jeongwoo:Hyung-ah i think this rashguard is yours,it doesn't fit on me

Mashiho:Oh yeah this rash guard is kinda big let's exchange

Jihoon:Let's go!

Haruto,Jeongwoo,Jihoon and others:*Making some loud noises*  


Jaehyuk:Woah!it's so refreshing!let's play volleyball

Doyoung:I'm in!

Jihoon:Me too!

Me:I'll just sit here first

Jaehyuk:Ok if you say so

They look so lively playing the ball while me and the other guys just seat here and eat some foods

Jeongwoo:Let's go swimming now


Me:Aish *splashes back*

Splash there splash everywhere until we got tired and got back in the sand.

Me:Yah where is my towel

Yedam:There is no towel left here already maybe you left yours

Jaehyuk:Here I'm done drying myself

Me:Oh thanks

Hyunsuk:We should get back at the tent right now it's getting late and i'm kinda hungry 

Me:You proceed to the tent,i'll stay here for a while

Hyunsuk:Ok let's go

Jaehyuk:Uhm i'll stay too

Jeongwoo:Ooh lovely-

Mashiho:*covers Jeongwoo's mouth*we'll get going guys see ya

Jeongwoo:Aish hyung-ah!

Jaehyuk:Ok we'll just catch up with y'all,yah dont forget to left food for us!

Me:You should head back in the tent,is getting cold you will be sick

Jaehyuk:It's fine I want some fresh air anyways,mind if we share the towel?

Me:Oh yeah sure

We wrap our selves in one towel and just continue to mezmerize the shore and watching the sunset,ahh it's refreshing.

Me:Oh by the way- oh

He's sleeping again,he is such a sleepy head.

I just lie my head on his head then later on i fell asleep.

꒰ august 16,2019 ꒱

Ah my shoulders are numb oh my why is it bright,oh we fell asleep.

Me:Yah Jae wake up let's get back to the tent.

Jaehyuk:What?It's already morning omo sorry i fell asleep

Me:Yeah me too anyways let's get back.


Hyunsuk:Where have you two been the food last night was almost cold as an ice 

Me:Sorry we fell asleep at the beach

Jihoon:Oh how romantic!


Jeongwoo:You two must have sleep like lovely dovely aww


Haruto:Are you two sick why are you getting red

Jihoon:they are blushing duh!HAHA

Am I?

Me:Aish n-nonsense!

Yedam:So what are the plans for today

Jaehyuk:We only got few days left so let's room around here for today 

Jeongwoo:Hyung-ah!come with me I want to go there

Mashiho:Ok just dont get us lost

Jaehyuk:Oh yeah let's just seperate our ways for now,let's go!

I have nowhere to go so i'll just rest in the tent.

Jaehyuk:Aren't you going for a walk?

Me:No,i'll just rest in the tent

Jaehyuk:Oh ok i'll just take a nap too

Me:You really are a sleepy head lmao

Jaehyuk:Not that sleepy head,wait until you get close with jeongwoo lol

Me:What are your plans after graduation?

Jaehyuk:It's kinda long until graduation so i dont know

Me:Oh yeah

A minutes later he was already asleep,I can't really hide the fact that he is good looking aish*moves his hair* i wanna know what does conditioner he use cause his hair is soft as a lion's fur lmao.





[hello guys! i hope you like my chapter nineteen,sorry for the long update i hope you understand and also sorry if you encounter wrong grammars and typos.Stay safe and be hydrated,thank you!<3]

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