Chapter thirty-eight

347 13 0


january 6,2020

Jaehyuk's POV

Today is the depature of Yoshi,i'm glad we got to spend together after a long time.

Yoshi:Woah y'all guys look like some kids that is waiting for their mom to leave haha,i'll get going now i'll visit you all soon.

Hyunsuk:Bye Yoshi take care

We bid goodbye to Yoshi then went in our own ways.

Doyoung:I'll be going now hyungs,see you on next semester.

Yedam:Take care in your own hometown.

Doyoung smiled as he went away,we are left here but Asahi wanted to bring me somewhere like he said to me awhile ago so we said goodbye also.


Me:Oh we're here again in your favorite place

Asahi:Yeah we'll watch the sunset again

Then all went silent for a while.

Me:You've been staring at me i'll melt if you continue to do that

Asahi:I'm glad.

Asahi:I have never felt so complete the whole time then...


Asahi:You came(he whispered which I couldn't hear)

I ignored it since I got distracted by the cold wind.

Me:Why is the wind so cold today *rubs my arms*

Asahi:Did you hear me?


He sighed which made me confused and guilty for not being able to focus on what he is saying.

Me:You can say it again,i'm listening now

Why is he scaring me is this some sorth of a horror something.

Asahi:Thank you for completing me*looks away*

I stayed silent and continued to listen to him as if he was going to say another sentence.

Asahi:Thank you for being by my side,its a bit cringey to say i like you straight forward so i'll state a sentence instead I hope you understand (he said while still looking away)

I smiled,then I reached my hands to his cheek so that he could confront me.

Me:Why cant you look,are you shy?


He's pretty honest.

Asahi:I'd like you to be my partner for a long time,will you let me?

Honestly I don't know how to feel,I am fluttered and I am

Me:Oh why are my cheeks getting hot


Me:Oh did I say that out loud

Asahi:*chuckled* You always act cute lol,but I am willing to wait for your answer.

Me:I dont like being together as pure friends anymore *poker face*

Asahi:I am not telling you to be my friend for a whole life time I telling you to-

Me:Be with me.

He then remained silent as I let out those words.

Me:Please continue to be my soulmate.Be with me not just a friend,but a lover

I then smiled looking at his confused face.

Me:That is my answer

Asahi:You make me nervous for awhile,but are you sure you-

Me:You've been asking me first and now you're doubting me?*raised my eye brows*

Asahi:Ok then sorry

Asahi:*kisses jae's nose*

Me:wha- where did you learn that huh *fetches asahi's waist*

Asahi:aish!why did you pull me suddenly!

Me:i'm strong aren't i(as I said while facing each other)



Asahi:oh stop

Me:then what should i call you

Asahi:i prefer our names instead

Me:but a callsign is much more sweete- ah!why did you plucked my forehead

Asahi:listen to me ok

I nodded as a sign of agreeing with him feeling a little sulky.

Asahi:*chuckles*Now stop pouting or i'll steal a kiss from you.

Me:Stop stealing i'll report you to the police!



Asahi:hahah i'm kidding kinda look like a tomato

I smacked him lightly while being shy cause why not?

We look like two people who is in a puppylove relationship,this feels like a dream,kinda funny and kinda cute.

We went silent for awhile  looking up to the sky watching the sun go down.

Asahi:*rests his chin on my shoulder*

Me:i'll be rooting again for this moment just to watch the sunset with you

Asahi:you'll be in the same school with me next semester right?

Jaehyuk:i will.

After the sunset I rest on Asahi's shoulder's closing my eyes for awhile,this is pretty comforting.

Asahi's POV

I am smiling like an idiot while Jae is resting on my shoulder feeling so grateful to meet him.

Now this what love feels like.


and they both got lost in love in-between with each other.


Thank you for being with me throughout this journey of my story,thank you for being patient with me and also thank you for the reads!I really didn't expect this much since I only started writing this because i'm bored of pandemic and this is also my first time doing this so i know it's kinda cringey but i hope y'all are bearing with me haha.I am really overwhelmed and happy.I hope that y'all will exprience hapiness and love daily,take care and stay safe to everyone,bye!<3

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